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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. Your best bet is to always ask the NC Trades board, as they are often the most up-to-date. Occasionally players will hijack a thread in which a trade is being discussed to give their two-NC as to wither or not the deal is worth it

  2. B-b-but I love Faerieland Team's colours ;^;


    But seriously XD I honestly don't get the fanaticism around Altador Cup as I was away when it came out and when I came back, I wasn't too sure how to play. But I gotta say, it really has a fanatical following and I'll be getting involved this year to hopefully get some nice Faerieland prizes.


    Moorlough is, of course, a loyal Faerie fan so Faerieland for her! Nimhue is all for her Shenkuu homies, but since Moorlough is head of household she wins as to which team we play despite Nimhue being much more sporty XD

  3. Probably overpaid for most items in my gallery since I was so impatient to have the items XD


    My biggest mistake is buying a ton of Spring Garden Mystery Capsules, mistaking them for Gift Box Capsules -_-; I was able to, thankfully, trade my items to get the ones I wanted. I probably undersold my Flower Wings!

  4. I tried drawing wearables once (specifically Moorlough's headdress and earrings) and after about nine tries (twelve on the headdress) I firmly threw that idea away and decided to just try and draw her without her looking like a furry blob XD

  5. ...


    OH MY FYORA. SHE IS UTTERLY BEAUTIFUL :wub_anim: I love her so much!! Thank you so much!!!


    EDIT: I've made a new avatar from the work, is that okay with you? I'll put it back to the lioness one if you wish! I'd also like to display this picture on Moorlough's homepage with your full permission and links to your profile, if that's okay?

  6. Absolutely ^_^ It's a totally free service that the National Neopian Bank provides, and you're totally free to use that!



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  7. OOO! OOO! Me! *waves hand*


    I have four Xwees and I want you to choose they ones you want to draw XD


    Images and stories under the cut! I apologise for some of the image sizes -_-;; For some reason Xanthrax' image is huge compared to the others!







    Moorlough, my Faerieland fan! She wants to be a graceful and sophisticated lady. Despite living in Shenkuu, she's a huge Faerie fan and loves how clever and beautiful they are. She can be cold and wants to be left alone, stemming from the time she was abandoned for years by her owner IRL and then became a spoiled and pampered Xwee before I started adopting other Xwees XD Despite this, she's kind-hearted, works and studies hard. She owns the Shenkuu house most of the Xwees live in.


    She has a Tanizard called Kinkajou






    Nimhue, my adventorous tomboy! She's quite hyper, always climbing trees and seeing if she can do martial arts. Particularly in mid-air off of the roof of Moorlough's home! She's a huge fan of the Shenkuu Warrior II Princess and wants to be a legendary mountain climber like her. She lives in Shenkuu with Moorlough


    She owns a Belonthiss called Tanzanite






    Xanthrax, my Gothic aristocratic gentleman. He lives in his family home in the Haunted Woods. Softly spoken, a true gentleman, he has an interest in Moorlough after she got lost on her way back from Faerieland to Shenkuu. She's not too sure about him since they are radically different in looks but he doesn't let that put him off. The cracks on his face are a result of trying to help out an ill-tempered Dark Faerie who didn't want his help. Despite this, he still helps anyone who needs it when not tending to his spooky mansion. He is the only Xwee that doesn't live with Moorlough, although he visits occationally


    He owns a Zombie Anubis of undetermined name. Other Neopians don't really like his undead pet but he adores the little loyal canid.






    Arlialah, my wronged noblexwee turned outlaw! She is from a noble family who was wrongfully disgraced. Disobeying to the Royal family who refused to hear her pleas for a retrial, she usually lives an outlaw in Meridell woods, robbing the pompous Lords and Nobles who turned their backs on her family and helping the poor in her family's former lands. She's a real lady, but doesn't hesitate to get down and dirty. She currently lives in a Treehouse on Moorlough's lands in Shenkuu until the heat dies down in Meridell woods. In return for staying in the safety of Shenkuu and being fed, she pays Moorlough rent and teaches Nimhue archery.


    She has an unpainted Ukali called Summer





    Thank you so much! I had a look at your Deviantart Gallery, very nice!

  8. No, I don't mean users shops! I mean the stores you go to to either shop or restock. Do you notice a lot of stuff that is ALWAYS stocked there that people don't seem to buy?


    My shop of choice for restocking is Huberts Hot Dogs and my Fyora the amount of junk items in there! The main offenders are :

    • Double Dung Hot Dog - I mean, SERIOUSLY why would you feed this to your pet?! Dung collectors I know would probably buy it but still!
    • Angel Hair Jacket Potato, Calamari Jacket Potato, Mutando Jacket Potato, Figgy Jacket Potato - Jacket Potatos don't seem to change very much at all, but these ones are nearly always there
    • Overcooked Hot Dog, Burnt Hot Dog - Both really of the same category. Kinda useless!
    • Beefy Cheesy Hot Dog, Sour Cream Hot Dog - The pictures look really gross :sick01:
    • Kelp Covered Hot Dog, Cucumber Hot Dog - Bleh


    For the Bakery, I've got to name these items :

    • Bucket Cookie - There were a ton of these thrown out during the Krawk Island events!
    • Angel Aisha Cookie - Does no-one buy this?
    • Sergeant Zarex Cookie / Sugar Cookie - I think the only time these sell are during restock days when the Bakery can be TOTALLY sold out
    • Sleep Ray Sandwich Cookie - I don't think Sci-fi themed items sell well in the bakery!


    What are the junk items you're sick of seeing in Neopian shops?

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