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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. No.




    I REFUSE to pander to this nonsense and I refuse to legitimise TNT's legal goldfarming. TNT, you are blatantly breaking your own rules and you are going to be hyperdefensive about this and start issuing warnings against players who point this out or protest against perceived cheating from other players using this add-on.


    You disappoint me, TNT. You DISAPPOINT me.

  2. I'm ... ... ... speechless.


    I'm honestly, genuinely speechless


    I think I'm going to look at TNT with a slack jaw and a 'WHAT ARE YOU THINKING' look on my face


    If this isn't going to be abused, then someone needs to declare me the new Queen of Spain.


    TNT, you disappoint me on every level. Are you becoming the same people that sell NP for real life cash?

  3. Sort of seems unfair to the eldery...knitting? A cane? How...stereotypical.


    Either way, I think it's a good idea. They made babies, why not the elderly, too? Makes sense. I love the detail they put into it, although, I have a gripe about the female's eyes : why do they have to be perfect and not worn out like the males? It's that gender specific thing TNT just can't seem to loose. So, evidently, woman don't get worn out eyes?


    Well, actually, in the original post the female had the worn out eyes. It's only the enlarged image that has the wider eyes?

  4. [i'm aware that the Game Cookie and Future Fashions talks have soured opinions on the Mall recently, but I still would like to have a chat about the collecting part of it!]


    I'm always late for things on Neopets :C I had a look at the latest Key Quest tokens for sale in the NC Mall since I am now a Key Quest player. I debated about getting the Lupes, since I am a diehard Xwee fan who wouldn't actually USE them. Part of me likes the idea of having a full collection of something, or a partially full collection ... (that, and the Silver Lupe is so expensive!)


    But I already know my collection will be flawed. I don't have the Ylana Skyfire token (SO LOVELY!) or any of the other NC Mall tokens. I would mention the plushie tokens, but I know that the Electric Lupe existed as a plushie, so it looks like TNT are releasing tokens that were formally part of the Plushie line.


    It's the same with the NC Collectors Album. I formally wasn't interested at all until I looked at some items. But I'm so far behind and some items command outrageous prices, it's not even worth backtrack-collecting. I'll continue to collect this page of items as they are all Faerie related. I WOULD have traded for former Faerie items but the Fyora Collectors Staff and Illere Collectors Wings pretty much ensure that's not going to happen.


    My new pledge? No Key Quest tokens unless they are Faerie or Xweetok themed, and similar with the Collectors items. I'll never have 100%, so no point sweating over it!


    What are your thoughts about being late to the collection party?

  5. I'm kind of hoping that it'll end up in the Hidden Tower. I hate how expensive the new paint brushes are - 20+mill? It's just ridiculous.


    THIS! It's a shame that the desired colours are so monstrously expensive. Hopefully Queen Fyora will put it in her Tower. I understand not putting Wraith in there (I am soooo soooo wondering what Xweetok Wraith will look like!) but brushes like Woodland (Illusen'ish?) and Elderly? C'mon Fyora!

  6. Well, it was natural to think of an opposite for the Baby paintbrush .... But I don't know. I REALLY just want TNT to focus on the colours we DO have (when they're not cranking out Eventide) but of course, nothing will change their minds!


    The customisable side of this has a lot of potential, especially with Pets who are 'magic' themed. An elderly wizard/witch is a popular idea!

  7. Now, I've just started Key Quest but I DREAD it when a mini-game square is landed. Why? Because the game likes to mess around >_O


    The lag on two games is HORRIFIC. In the Ghastly Guzzler game, the Esophagor does NOT run smoothly, and I cannot duck in time or even throw things at his mouth! It's the most unfair game I come across as 90% of animation frames are lost!


    In Flower Frenzy, I honestly have been in a game where my opponent harvested four flowers when I could not even harvest one! The can waters unbelievably slowly and there's a massive delay between moving my mouse and the can, plus switching over tools!


    In the Spyder game, the Spyder likes to pretend it doesn't understand what I'm asking it to go >_O


    In the Cuttlebot game (Orblitorator?), the Cuttlebot outright refuses to acknowledge I'm asking it to grab an orb a lot of the time. Same with the Berry game, apparently it doesn't recognise what I'm clicking!


    Actually, file the Nova matching game under that as well.


    Oh the Meowclops game ... STUPID MEOWCLOPS >_O Again, I don't think the hose quite knows what I'm aiming at


    In fact, the only game I can do good at is the fishing game!


    Anyone else having these hideous issues? I've tried the alternative link for Keyquest, nothing seems to improve this


    EDIT : Oh, and the flower matching game. It's so slow I'm convinced it's a joke

  8. The mini games lag SO BADLY on my laptop! for some reason, other players can grow and cut 4 flowers before I've even watered 1!! Is there a way to not play with mini games? Can someone invite me to a game?

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