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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. Thanks for the guide!! But.... I only got nine as well.


    Go to the Grooming Parlour, it's in there. One of the links above goes to Krawk Island instead of the proper place!


    anyone found the plaid negg ? i can't seem to find it i reckon its either in the games room or roo island


    also lovedwallflower its the grooming shop link it messes up forsome reason took me to krawk island



    Yes, it's in Roo Island, just click on ALL places on there and you'll find it eventually!

  2. UPDATE : The #5 Sketch won by a landslide, so TNT will get the artist to clean up the sketch and post the final version soon, apparently


    Wow! That's a lot of votes. Well, since it looks like #5 is the winner by a landslide, we'll have the artist clean up the sketch and post the final version soon!


    Source : Neopets Facebook page, posted 5 minutes ago

  3. I like to donate items to people building galleries, but sometimes I'm not sure if they're looking for an item or even if they accept donations! So, I would like to make a list of people who are building galleries and if they would like a little help!


    To get on the list, just fill out the following things :


    1. What do you collect?

    2. What is the CRITERIA for your gallery? (i.e. needs to come from a specific shop, has a certain word in the item or description, items of a certain colour, etc.)

    3. Do you accept donations?

    4. Do you have an up-to-date list of things you're looking for?

    5. Do you mind more than one donation? (for example, if you collect pizza, do you mind of two SEPERATE Neopians donate a yummy muddy pizza by accident?)

    6. Do you want to donate to others?




    For myself :


    1. I collect Faerie Foods

    2. Items must be sold by the Faerie Foods store, have the word 'Faerie' in the title, have the NAME of a particular faerie (i.e. Illusen) in the title, or be given out by Jhudora/Illusen in their quests, and must be edible!

    3. Yes, but items I'm looking for are VERY expensive!

    4. Yes, in my gallery description!

    5. NOT REALLY, I have most items so any double-donations will be fed to my pets!

    6. YES!!

  4. Once in a while you may adopt or trade a new Neopet. This is a thread for showing off your new pet, their customisation, any story you've made for them, and of course any hard work that went into trading/customising them!


    I just added a new female Xwee to my family (no more, I promise!) and I'll see if she fits in. Meet Arlialah! She's not quite customised yet but I have her look planned!


    "Moorlough! Moorlough!"

    "WHAT, Nimhue" Moorlough sighed, steadying her paintbrush again. She'd been practising her calligraphy when Nimhue's excited voice tore through the air from outside their home

    "I met someone new! She's gonna live with us for a while!"

    "...What" Moorlough paused, frowning at this news

    "Yeah! She's awesome! I found her in the woods, she needs a place to stay until the Royal guards stop lookin' for her. She can stay in the treehouse and share some of our food, and she said she'll teach me archery and-"

    Royal Guards?! Moorlough put her brush back in it's holder and dashed into the living room, alarmed at what Nimhue was telling her. She was greeted by the sight of the Pink Xweetok bounching up and down on the spot in excitement, and a Red Xweetok standing next to her

    "This is Arlialah!" Nimhue beamed, "She's from Meridell!"

    ".... Hello" Moorlough looked the Xwee up and down, unsure what to make of her. The stranger slowly blinked her half-lidded, relaxed ruby red eyes in return

    "She's kinda on the run and I said she could stay. Can she, Moorlough? Can she, can she, can she?!"

    "On the RUN?" Moorlough returned to the topic, "Look, I don't know who you are, Miss, but I can't allow a criminal to stay in my house!"

    "My name is Lady Arlialah of Aliso" Alialah said in a cultured voice, "And I do apologise. I don't believe the King's men will look as far as Shenkuu, and I can make it quite worth your while"

    "What are you running from?" Moorlough was still highly suspicious

    "The King banished her family!" Nimhue butted in, clearly having absorbed the story along the journey to Shenkuu, "Her family have been banished, and she lives in the forest to fight the King's men since it's her land she doesn't want to leave! She is called a traitor for no reason!"


    "..." Moorlough arched an eyebrow while Arlialah nodded her head

    "The Court has disgraced my family for no reason, and I refuse to bend to the will of a King that refuses to hear my family's protests of innocence. It's my land, my people ..."

    Moorlough opened her mouth to tell her to leave, until Arlialah brought out a leather pouch rattling with Neopoints

    "And I shall make it worth your while. I shall need shelter only for a few days, no more"


    Moorlough paused, looking at the bag. Well, Shenkuu was a LONG way from Meridell ... and of course, she could learn a few things from a genuine Lady to help her become a lady of culture ...


    "... Fine, you can stay" She sighed as Nimhue danced in joy, "Just don't use my trees for archery practise!"


    So yeah XD Here's her future customistion!



  5. Male Faeries are explicitly not allowed in the Times, since they do not exist in Neopia (despite the Facebook poll). And there is a Swamp Faerie .... Earth Faeries follow a specific kind of dress code with minor variations (for example, Illusen is an Earth Faerie but she's unique amongst Earth Faeries but still follows a similar colour scheme)


    Think of it like Pokémon; Pokémon never die in battle, merely faint while dusty / covered with an effect from battle like dust or scratches. Only the Tower and info on species mentions dying at all

  6. Is anyone else a current or past Sims 2 player? If so, tell me your families and stories XD I got back into it after leaving my job after being hopelessly addicted to it. I can tell you my families if you wish! (and my current plans!)

  7. I absolutely and utterly hate The Lion King 2, and think that Kiara and Kovu are the most self-centred, selfish, idiotic, whining pair of parasites to ever latch onto animation.


    I wish eRa [sic] / Eric Levi would stop using the 'Divano' chorus in every song, and his best work was a collaboration with another person. That other person needs to come back and make more brilliant music!


    X-Ray Dog (the music project) should release their CDs of music (unpopular as they most certainly don't agree XD)

  8. YOU HAVE RETURNED! Missing your artwork!


    (Pixel zombie Bori FTW XD)


    EDIT: Oh, yeah, I managed to paint Nimhue Pink! Is it okay to use your original Popcorn artwork on her page with full credits as a source of her inspiration?







    Nimhue, the athletic tomboy!




    Moorlough, the graceful Shenkuu/Faerieland lady!




    Xanthrax, my new boy. He's an aristocrat from the Haunted Woods. Smooth, deep and slow voice, a true gentlemale who has an interest in Moorlough (as much as Neo will allow) but she isn't too sure about him as they are total opposites. He's a real blueblood while she inspires to be one, he was born with class while she strives to have it, and of course he doesn't bat an eye at the dark and gloomy while she's very much into bright and pastels XD


  9. I'm usually taking Abigail challenges since I'm not good at games, but for the Team Challenge on Kou-Jong I had to beat AAA. I failed :C Does this mean I'll only get a participation medal despite beating all other challenges? My score was higher than Abigail's on Kou-Jong but like I say, I had to take AAA and failed

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