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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. It's been pointed out to me that my latest pet's name may be considered inappropriate. I've sent a ticket to TNT to see if it is o_O It was an accident but I understand (now) how some people may be worried about it. As a UK'er and Toxicology nut I didn't pick it up right away


    What is everyone elses' take? Think TNT will take it away? Is there a guideline somewhere to inappropriate names apart from sexual and cursing ones?

  2. Magma pets are cool to look at, yea. I do think i've seen 1 good striped pet... I like the jetsam!



    B-but Moorlough is Striped :C


    I hate the Converted Faerie designs with a passion... Faerie Pteri used to be so beautiful and graceul and happy! Now it's just a recoloured Pteri >_O


    And Royalgirl Lupe ... I don't think I'm ever going to get other that ...

  3. What exactly motivates you to make a new pet? Story? New species? New colour? A particular outfit getup?


    I admit, I'm VERY tempted to make a MALE Shadow Xweetok and kit him out aristocratically gothic and have him be a 'love interest' in a story for Moorlough after I'm finished writing the 'sister' story with her and Nimhue. Moorlough is lady-like (or thinks she is), graceful, and loves pale, light, pastel colours. Xanthras (I'm stuck with that name although another Xwee has it >_O) is cool, persistant, and a gentleman. Just loves the dark, the night, cold, silence, and the total opposite of Moorlough XD

  4. The 8 Bit ... I think you've cracked it o_O With the Antique I love the great contrast between the two. One fits, the other is brightly rainbow XD Opposites attract!


    I actually wondered where Faeries come from in terms of birth. Were they ever young? Or did they just appear as adults? I know you're not allowed to write about male Faeries for NT ...

  5. I have been neglectin my habi due to being in a full time job and of course travelling and adjusting to working and training x_x My Habi is fully balanced with ALL breeds of p3s playing. Usually I have 5 soldiers and everyone else is a worker. Formally, everyone except soldiers were painted Faerie (when I could afford it) while soldiers were Chocolate because I wanted to try out the chocolate colour and of course make them distinct from workers (Nesters were always on nests or resting in the Hospital to keep them seperate)


    Once I've raised enough NP (IF I STOP SPENDING IT >_O) for Nimhue's Pink Paint Brush I'll put all my proper decorations back in my Habi <3

  6. That AWESOME moment when you got your 4th FFQ. :D


    You have no idea how jealous I am ;^; I'd give anything for a FFQ, I don't have 5 million for that Pink Paint Brush!


    EDIT : That awesome moment when the Faerie Quests (I'm doing Jhudora's after being messed around with Illusen for too long >:C Plus she's downright rude at times. I expect it from Jhudora, but Illusen? Not as rude as a Water Faerie though) are really cheap. Todays and yesterdays quests were Carawool and a Neonip critter respectively

  7. That awkward moment when you go to the Petpet puddle to paint one of your pet's companions and the two images show only one with a drop down :C


    Clarification : I caved and bout a Faerie Petpet Paint Brush for Nimhue's Tanzanite, since I'm probably going to have to play for years to get that Pink Paint Brush ;^; Tanizards, like Moorlough's Kinkajou, cannot be painted Faerie. The text says 'you do not have brushes for this petpet!' when I'm sitting there going 'I do, but it wouldn't work on her'. It's like I'm deliberately leaving her out


    Come on TNT! Make Tanizards available in Faerie!

  8. Jhudora would suit being a Monarch XD Fyora had better watch her jewels


    LOVE the green smoke here, TNT need to get you to update their Jhudora artwork (especially her Quest art)



  9. I've been on the internet for quite a while. Is it just me, or has the whole internet just gotten nastier?


    I remember being younger and enjoying being part of message boards, RP'ing, having a real-life internet addiction. I even fondly remember my first RPs and being made welcome on a particular South Park board that sadly no longer exists due to creator neglect (I wish I had joined sooner! ;^; I recently found screencaps of the forum and the memories came flooding back)


    But these days, the internet just seems to be a nasty and hate-filled place. I see places like ED, Deviantart has gone down the tubes, and everyone is out to troll everyone else. I've deleted a large amount of my stuff because I'm paranoid that I'll become a troll target, and some message boards do not exactly welcome you if you don't fit the tone of the new place or if you complain about something. Unless you make a few friends or post about a topic that's popular.


    I dunno, is it just me going out into the darker places of the net, outside of the nicer art-zones where actual artists took me under their wing and I chatted with other beginner artists? Or has the advent of Anonymous, ED, various 'butthurt' clubs on DA and elsewhere ruined everything?


    Please discuss!

  10. Oh that isn't going to stop me coming to TDN XD I'm travelling to and from the big city so my day is like 5:00am (when I get up) - 7:00pm (when I get home)


    Oh man a 3rd egg ... I'd sell and IMMEDATELY get Nimhue her Pink, Tanzanite a Faerie Petpet brush, and then focus on FINALLY finishing my gallery! (Mushrooms, why must you be so pricey? :C)

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