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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. :O in that case $3 shipping included is seriously amazing XD Ooooh I didn't know that!! I'll definitely do that next time I'm searching, my default is the UK one. Thanks :)


    Oh nooess :( :( I'm sorry! You never know though, if you keep checking you may be able to find one for cheaper. Have you tried google imaging Chocolate Xweetok plushie and seeing if any of the pictures come from retailers websites?


    I know! I paid something like £2 for it from Hong Kong XD She didn't have a Keyquest tag, I'm guessing she would have been more expensive if that were the case (my Striped Xwee was only $7 and came with a tag, so I'm able to play Keyquest if someone teaches me XD)


    So far Google Images (tried that right after eBay, Google, all three Amazons - co.uk, com and ca) it's just pictures on collectors sites. WHEN is TNT going to open up the merch section again! And just my luck; my pet has only three variations then they stop making them!


    I've seen a mythical Jumbo Rainbow Xwee but only on one site with no confirmation or picture

  2. Aw cute!! Congrats hun ^_^ I'm not sure about where to find one, I can only suggest the obvious places like ebay and amazon :P I'm from the UK and I've had some trouble finding plushies over here.



    So am I! Scotland XD I got my Xwees from eBay (though if you search on ebay.co.uk you get nothing even if you set it as 'worldwide' ¬__¬ You need to go on ebay.COM and THEN do the search


    I've found no chocolate Xwees so far for less than $100 :sad01_anim:

  3. I got my Yellow Xweetok plushie today :laughingsmiley: Got her for only $3 total! (yes, including shipping) and she goes well with my Striped Xweetok


    I'm only missing a Chocolate Xweetok. Does anyone know anyone selling one? I don't care about the Keyquest token, since my Yellow Xweetok didn't come with one and I had one for my Striped Xweetok XD

  4. Autobid WOULD be easier BUT the richest Neopians would always win ¬_¬ I was being spoken to by someone I was bidding fiercely against. She asked when I planned to stop, I replied whenever I felt like (i.e. I'm not telling you!) but we BOTH got sniped! So we went 'RAAAAAAAAR' about that for a while XD

  5. I am still part of the old member list, right? :D


    Lady Kakata, you are one of the most generous people I've ever met! At least virtually! Always free food to everyone who wants it; where do you even get all this food from? ...oh right! Thank you very much for... everything (includes the plushies)! I really appreciate it!


    *gives you a virtual cawwot carrot*


    o - Of course! XD


    o - Some of it is just find around the site, some of it is stuff I buy for low prices and give away XD I have some more plushies if you want them?


    o - XD Thank you!

  6. Hate buying food for pets? Want to give them something other than jellies and omelettes? Hate seeing starving pets around Neopia?


    Well, we're giving away food!


    That's right! I come across food in my journey around Neopia and I buy a lot of cheap stuff on Half Price Day in between shop stocking. Want some food for your pets? Just Neomail me and Neofriend me to be put on my Free Food VIP list! There's no catch, no 'obligation', just ask!



    [i've made a thread before, but that's old and I know we have new members here XD]

  7. I would love it if you had the option to make them anthro like TNT character art, if I'm honest. Imagine an anthro Moorlough in a kimono XD



  8. Grrr Team Brains got the regular Faerie Races game! I had never played Extreme Faerie Racers before today but it's driving me mad already. Why must one of the opponents always circle around the outside...


    Edit: Just after posting that, I got 239, and it had problems processing. ._____.


    Yeah, I'm leaving it until later today so it works properly

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