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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. i started my custard gallery because i had some custard stuff in my inventory and thought, hey, why not


    plus i had never seen anyone with a custard gallery.


    but it bothers me that there are some items that noooobooddyyyy wants (except for me) that are sitting for months on the TP at like, 10 million np. honestly, lower the price of that custard moltenore already plx! D:<


    This -_- WHY do these people put up stupid prices when there's clearly no market?


    I HAVE met someone else with a Faerie Foods gallery XD Strangely, I met her due to wanting to trade for NC Neohome items!

  2. I find the controls for Turmac Roll sticky and unresponsive if I'm honest :sad01_anim: I usually die because for some reason he doesn't think to actually jump when I ask him to


    Finished ALL bonus plays except Meepit vs. Feepit/Chariot Chasers. There's a definite response curve you have to get into for Chariot Chasers to get into the rhythm of the looping track

  3. Finally got past Chariot Racers! Hoorrrraaahhh! I feel bad about not doing the bonus plays though.


    I'm debating, if I'm honest. I'm bone tired from today x_x I plan to get up after a small nap to talk to a friend so I might have a go at some bonus plays. the Roll game again I got VERY lucky (I picked up a weird berry at the start that probably helped) but I CANNOT get the jumping to work right! Especially if there are double tree-stumps!

  4. I know that I posted about this before, but that topic is old now. I've TRIED to reach out on the Neoboards but your topic becomes buried VERY quickly


    I'm looking for Sparkling Faerieland Wallpaper. I can trade for it. Does ANYONE have this or KNOW someone who has it UFT?

  5. So, while Brains and Brawn battle it out for dominance, I want to foster a little middle-ground. Both sides are grappling with their games, either enjoying them or hating TNT for putting them in (or is that just me? <.<) , so let's talk about it!


    Rate the days games, stating your side, and tell us what you thought of them!


    I'll start :


    Allegiance : Team Brawn


    Day 1 :

    Picking Favourites is as Easy as 1, 2, 3! = Er, no comment XD It's not exactly challenging

    Need... More... Usukis!!! = Played it prior to GMC, so it was okay XD It's REALLY annoying to accidentally run into the wrong accessory kit when you're sprinting from one room to the other though. And it took me FOREVER to learn how to get onto the balcony to collect the pirate kit.


    Day 2 :

    Just Keep Flying, Just Keep Flying = HATE this game!! HATE IT! Second least favourite so far.

    Altador Calls for Your Aid! = ... At first I didn't like this, but I quite like it when I don't get suddenly instakilled by accidentally brushing a platform while taking out enemies


    Day 3 :

    The Battlefield Awaits Your Legend = I LOVE this game XD I admit it, this is great and I continue playing even after the challenge

    Did Someone Call for a Stampede? = Pretty easy, good for younger players. Hard on the mouse hand :C

    Careful, That Last Step is a Doozy = I was terrified of the timer aspect, but once I got the hang of it I found the game pretty exhilarating. Wish I could do that in real life!


    Day 4 :

    Count Your Neggs Before They Hatch = I. Hate. This. Game. I HATE THIS GAME. ARGH.

    Scraps from the Table = Sofie's Stew is good, although the bounce physics are annoying at times. Hungry Skeith is pretty okay as well.

    Ketchup and Mustard, BFF! = I'm okay with this game, switching between mouse and directional keys are pretty irritating at times XD But it's still pretty good


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  6. what is this game?

    hot dog hero?

    i already tried tons of times but it is not bouncing at all >.>

    tried to read guide from several websites plus youtube,

    but none is working >.>


    any tips?


    No no, Meecra Chase II


    Hot Dog Hero is easy o_O What is it you're having problems with?


    GOT IT FINALLY. A lightening Negg and a Rainbow Negg got me victory bonus' 3 and 4 :laughingsmiley: DONE FOR THE DAY!

  7. You just have to keep doing it until you get lucky and get some good neggs.



    Pretty much what's happened. I've now got the main challenge done, and two of the bonus ones. I'm trying for the third but gotten stuck so many times. And to quote the AVGN 'which isn't easy, especially when I'm losing my [expletive] patience'

  8. At first? No, and I didn't understand the personality thing people put on their pets. But I'm one of the Pokémon fans that give personalities to their Pokémon so I CAN sort-of understand it.


    I customised Moorlough because, well, I really liked Striped and the items are utterly gorgeous on her. I keep picturingher as the sweet, refined pastel Geisha type figure since we're torn between Faerieland and Shenkuu styles

  9. Thank you guys for the Battlefield Legends strategies! I was just about to call it quits on that.


    It can be very confusing to start with but trial and error really does get you used to it XD I might actually continue playing it for a while (normally I don't play games; I make my NP as a seller) and hone strategies

  10. Aw man, finished the Kookith game AND managed to get Shenkuu Warrior II. MAN my mouse hand hurts :c


    Shenkuu Warrior is annoying but man is it exhilarating! Imagine being able to do that in real life!


    EDIT : That's today finished!

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