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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. well ... After DAYS of the Forgotten Shore not giving me ANYTHING AT ALL, I got a 'Discovered Treasure Chest'


    My first thought was 'what, does this contain wearables?'. Then from the drop-down menu I see it is listed as a toy.


    Okay .... So I play with it with Moorlough


    It opens, and some things spill out



    Guess what spills out






    I am so putting this up for trade!!

  2. I finally settled on Faerie Foods, as it's something that has a somewhat reachable goal (though of course there are pieces that I may never get my hands on, like Grey Faerie Mushroom) and I just love the look of the food :P I stumbled upon the Heavenly Roast Turkey when buying food for Moorlough, and got hooked on buying Faerie foods for her.

  3. I've seen Neopets Premium advertised, and quite frankly, I don't see the appeal XD But i do see they have a free trial


    Has anyone taken the free trial? Am I obligated to then purchase a premium account? Do they 'trick' you in any way by automatically try and bill you to get your premium account? It sounds like a lot of daft questions, but this is real money we're talking about after all :laughingsmiley:

  4. Better than a lot of galleries I've been in recently :P It looks good. Are you going to do a different set of backgrounds/fonts for each section or keep them all the same? About half of your categories have the pretty background, etc, whereas the other half are default.


    I have decided to collect piles of dung and mossy rocks. Just because seeing them clutter up the second hand shoppe really bugs me :)


    - Thank you! :laughingsmiley: A few galleries I've seen have been VERY cluttered with extremely bad HTML'ing or picking colours that clash or hard to see. I tried to keep with the soft, pastel Faerie colours but still have it readable (the pink wasn't QUITE as pale as I would like!)


    - All of them will have the same background/font. I felt it best to start categorising my items before I started the tedious process if inputting the same background/colours for each, since I didn't want to start messing with categories AFTER I put in my colours/background as if I needed to delete or create a new category I would need to do the colours again :angry: Best to get the categorising stuff out of the way first and get all the background stuff done in one go


    - I think I'm settled on my categories for the moment, although Faerie foods! needs to go as I was under the mistaken impression you could put items in more than one category. Apparently not! I've made separate categories for Earth Faerie / Illusen stuff as well as Dark Faerie / Jhudora stuff since we know there is more than one Earth/Dark Faerie. The only named Faerie that has non-name things in her section is Taelia, as she has a Snow Faerie Cupcake in her section as, to my memory, there is no other shown Snow Faerie other than Taelia (and the item is specifically in her colours/wing shape).


    - Two Faeries will only have one item in their gallery; the Island Faerie and the Grey Faerie as they have a drink/mushroom respectively, but they ARE named so they get their own section unless TDN releases new food :laughingsmiley:


    I've printed lists and marked out the ones that I have, I'll post a list of the things I DON'T have for reference although most of them are rare or expensive. The only criteria I have is that they MUST be edible or perceived as edible (as I have a can of Faerie petpet food that I spotted in a brilliant store that stocked a lot of what I needed). Actually, for the Faerie Petpet food I'm hoping to one day have a beautiful Faerie Tanizard to feed it to if TNT makes a Faerie design for her! Give her the glittery purple wings of a Faerie Zafara!

  5. I would IMMEDIATELY give users a choice as to wither or not they want their pets converted OR unconverted


    I mean, look at Royalgirl Lupe. She's beautiful! And in her Converted form she's pretty much just a prettified normal Lupe. THAT was a massive mistake on the part of TNT in my opinion to be honest. I would gladly save up for a Faerie Paintbrush to paint for a Faerie Pteri or a Royal Paintbrush for a Royalgirl Lupe, but thanks to the fact that I'd be doing so AFTER the conversion date means I just get painted normal pets, not the 'special' dynamic poses.


    I don't WANT to customise the special-pose pets with trinkets, I want to paint them to look like that!

  6. should I start a new gallery ???? I'm really thinking about it ... :mellow:


    Why not,if you have the NP to support it? I started off with Faerie plushies before getting into Faerie Foods! You might want to have a look at different things to collect; some are really expensive like Morphing potions, while some are really limited (like collecting Taelia items, she only has a few things to her name) and some are just absolutely huge with some items not buyable now (clothing and Neohome collections)



    I'm in the middle of categorising it and having to enter in the same stats for each page to get the nice colours I've picked <_< Could someone rate and give me an idea of what to improve on? Items haven't been put into their right categories yet! I think I've got most of the main ones for now and some categories are very limited or empty (Jhuidahs Foods will only have her drink, Grey Faerie mushroom is too expensive at the moment)


    But is it easy to read and see?

  7. I want it! But then again... I don't have any chocolate items to return you with. :*


    :laughingsmiley: I don't collect chocolate so you're okay! Do you want me to send it through to you?


    I've collected most of the common Faerie food items and blown my 400,000NP fortune on it and upgrading my gallery (MAN it's expensive not really for the food but for the gallery upgrades!)

  8. What I collect: Chocolates and other chocolate related goods

    What I can give: Pretty much anything of any item type (preferably plushies)


    ZOMG it was your gallery that inspired me to start collecting something in the first place! :laughingsmiley:




    I have the following pieces up for grabs! Just discovered a nice store that I snatched some cheap items to give to my food VIPS and chocolates XD


    • Milk Chocolate Nimmo
    • Orange Chocolate Korbat
    • Milk Chocolate Korbat
    • Chocolate Chia Candy
    • Chocolate Battle Biscuit
    • Chocolate Korbat Wings


    Send me a Neomail if you want them! Or say here!





    I have a blue Ixi plushie if anyone wants XD



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  9. I'm making a headway in my new Faerie Foods gallery. I've spent an obscene amount of money so far, but it's so worth it :laughingsmiley: It's a headache arranging it; I'm going to wait until I get most of the seemingly common items. Some items are in the millions rage so it'll actually take some time before I get all items


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  10. Finally decided what I'm collecting!


    I COLLECT : Faerie foods! Faerie Weapons, Books and Toys also accepted!


    WHAT I CAN GIVE : Pretty much anything in my travels, plus XWEETOK items since I'm getting rid of my fledgling collection!

  11. I've got a thread detailing food I'm willing to donate to people, and I've started a thread on collectors.


    So, do you collect something and you'd like any spares of that kind of something that others have? POST IT HERE!


    For example: say UserA collects Acara items. If another user has a spare Acara plushie that they don't want, then they can gift it or exchange it for a Snowager item that UserA has and doesn't want!


    At the moment, I'm still deciding what I'm collecting (I'm not really keen on Xweetok items anymore, I think I'll go back to Faerie-themed objects but not decided what yet!) so if you're a Xweetok collector I've got items!


    Post awaaaaaaay!

  12. XD Okay, I'll put you down for strawberry items! IF ANYONE ELSE WANTS FREE FOOD SIMPLY NEOMAIL ME AND NEOFRIEND ME!


    I've been away from Neopets for a while, but I'm back and going through my list of Food VIPS to give food to!

  13. I'd love that!


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    Cool! Just send me a Neomail and Neofriend me!

  14. If I haven't said it already I'm going to say it again. You are probably one of the sweetest people EVER.


    :laughingsmiley: Thank you! It's no problem at all. I'm going through my rota of Free Food VIPS so if you don't get something for a while, don't worry! Expect some Veggie Hot Dogs and Hot Dogs with onions on Half Price Day anyway XD

  15. Steve jobs died apparently a little under 15 minutes ago. Any thoughts on this?


    Just read. While I am in no way a fan of Apple and despise the way it's taken over the world, on a human level it's very sad he died at a young age (56? That's nothing in a first-world country)

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