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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. I don't really know of many nor have I given it much thought. BUT I really love Chuchuana. They look funny and I love that name.


    Btw, "Moorlough" sounds like its a place in Northern Ireland. :wub_anim:



    XD It's from the song 'Moorlough Shore' by Caroline Lavelle. It's the name I gave to a personal being and the name of my 'company' (really, it's just me). I'm pretty sure there's another song also called Moorlough Shore and it's Irish in origin

  2. Does anyone know of any premade templates for the Neopets HOMEPAGE? I can edit the description of my pet but I want to use her homepage to give her extended history (before I forget it >.>) but my HTML with Neopets rules is pretty bad >_< I was able to alter a template slightly to give my description in my personal lookup

  3. I do like some of the Petpets, some of them would have been cool Neopets in themselves (which I suspect PetPets started out as) and some of them I really, really like. But some just get no love :C


    My Moorlough has a Tanizard called Kinkajou. I'd love to have a Faerie one but there is no Faerie version and quite a few PetPets only have two colours (normal and a variation such as pink or plushie). What is YOUR favourite underrated PetPet? Is there a way to let the staff know we'd like a new paint for a particular one? Sure this would be a stab in a haystack since there are so many of them but still!

  4. I was made redundant in February. I graduated in 2009 and was jobless for months until I got a part-time job in a city an hour away from me (despite the fact I can work full time) and I basically was doing a 12 hour day for a part time job with all the travelling (I had to be up two hours before my train, and arrive an hour before my job started, for example)


    Since February I've applied for well over 100 jobs, gotten a few interviews. There are NO jobs for my hometown unless you're a nurse or carer :C The jobmarket is DEAD and I'm tearing my hair out over this. I NEED a full-time job!



    Right in the middle of buying doughtnuts as well XD


    EDIT: Today I got a Dark Faerie quest (had no idea until the Shop Wizard told me 'nuuuu' XD) AND a Faerie Queen quest! The Faerie Queens quest was really cheap XD Only 500np


    EDIT2 : Now got a piece of laboratory nap XD

  6. Aww, they're really cute. So do you have other art somewhere online or did you take it all down? People are dumb to steal other peoples art. I love looking at other people's art but its a shame that people are afraid to put stuff up in case people steal them.


    I used to post art on two websites, one has no artwork other than stamps and essays, the other has some artwork but the pieces I really want to protect (like Dream Dragon - Splender and Moorlough) I've removed

  7. I draw, mostly birds or really random things. I used to scan up every drawing I made and post it online, but since the advent of art thieves and the fact that I don't agree with a well-known sites policy, especially when it comes to traces and art thieves ...


    Well anyway, I found two original images that I would like to share XD


    There's a ton of art backlog but these are two recent examples XD

  8. Finished in less than a day. Was SO lucky with the Water portion, only took 5 tries to get it! (and I even messed up my combination list so it was pure luck :laughingsmiley: )


    The Petpet stage and the Punch stage were both nightmarish but at least I've finished the plot. Looking forward to more plots and getting back into the swing of Neopets

  9. ARGH! I got a reply today BUT the person said 'You've listed the right birthday so I can't send you your birthday! C:' THAT WAS NOT WHAT I WAS ASKING <_< I've reopened the ticket to say that I KNOW the birthday, BUT I cannot request the password as I don't have access to the old email account


    And there was me thinking for a moment that I would get a hold of my pets again :angry:

  10. When I click on this post something tries to gain access to my computer with the file name ladykakata.....?


    What the o_O



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  11. I submitted a ticket to ask for help in accessing my first account since the email address for it has been closed (due to spam flooding. Some of the things I was sent ... :sad01_anim: )


    I sent it on the 8th, how long do tickets normally take to be addressed?

  12. I found my first neopet account and I've send a ticket to see if I can get access again as I love the names of my pets (if I DO get access I plan to morph the ones I want into Xweetoks and put the rest up for adoption if anyone wants a good-named Neopet

  13. I just adopted a CAMOFLAGE ZAFARA from the Pound called 'Zumar'. I would like him to go to someone on here!


    NOT trading, just let me know when you want him, I'll put him in the Pound and you snap him up!


    Age: 101 days old (2,434 hours)

    Level: 3

    Gender: Male

    Height: 42 cms.

    Weight: 64 lbs.


    Fishing Skill: 0


    Jobs Completed: 0

    Jobs Failed: 0

    Job Rank: Intern

    - Battledome Stats -


    Hit Points: 19 / 19

    Strength: immense

    Defence: armoured

    Movement: average

    Intelligence: average



    Either NEOMAIL me OR PM ME. I don't want a reward or anything, he comes with a petpet!

  14. For some reason Fyora surrounded me with a light and transported me to Faerieland (literally; I was in the middle of haggling for something! >_<). I thought she'd given me a quest or something (I know how Faeries normally give quests, but this is the Queen and she abducted me!) but when I checked out the Quest page, I had nothing


    Thanks a lot, Fyora <_<

  15. I think it's fair, it's just one event - there will be more in the future. *shrug* real life issues should be more important - people should concern themselves with that instead of getting that extra trophy or whatever. I was very disappointed to not get the negg faerie stuff but hey, I didn't know that i had to do everything the day it was released either. I don't see many people flipping out about that.


    I missed out on Altador and Faerie plot, but I don't begrudge people that were online every day. Yes, some people aren't on everyday, but that's the same for absolutely everything. I think the reasoning behind is that if you STICK with the plot, you get bigger rewards, they aren't targeting people who have 24 hour access to internet

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