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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. I'm putting out a call for people who may need Habi help. Need someone to repair resources, take care of P3s or help with buildings? Want the odd free house/nest/storage? Neofriend me and I'll help out :3 Just leave a message in Neomail or here telling me what you want me to do and I'll help out daily!


    As for myself I'm okay XD I'm collecting patches of clovers to decorate my Habi at the moment!

  2. Let's say you got a paintbrush, a FFQ (YOU LUCKY JELLYBEAN) or a new paint has come out for your species. Do you ever have a debate as to wither or not you want to paint your pet?


    I have a Xweetok, Moorlough. I loved Faerie pets and I would like to have a Faerie Xweetok. But I have serious doubts about painting Moorlough as a Faerie; I really like her as Striped. She really suits it and the outfit I've picked for her from the Mall just looks gorgeous with the Striped colours, especially her hairclip (jade green with powder blue and lilac for the win!), and these things just wouldn't work with her Faerie colours


    So yeah, I love Faerie, but I'd have serious doubts as to wither or not to make Moorlough Faerie. Since she's a born Xweetok, I assume she'd have that flying stance that Faerie Xweetoks are supposed to be? Since I've seen Faerie Xweetoks in a sitting stance I'm confused about that part.


    She was zapped by Boochie into Baby. I know Baby is a sought after colour, but after a week or two telling myself I was lucky to be zapped, I really had to paint her back to Striped as I adored her colours.


    Do you have debates like that?

  3. I put my pet in a lodge once to see what it was like when they were in a lodge. I put her in the ritziest room with all the trimmings for a few days XD If I were going on holiday I'd take my laptop with me and use the hotels wireless net so that wouldn't be a problem, but if I were going somewhere with no net access (the HORROR o_O ) then I'd check her in there to make sure she's fed


    I agree with the feeling of feeding your pets being great, I feed Moorlough Faerie things and gourmet items (and some things that just take my fancy) since I'll never have such cool food in real life XD

  4. I've been around for 10+ years and never gotten a FFQ. :sad01_anim:


    Neither have I :sad01_anim:


    My rant : ILLUSEN WHY DO YOU HATE ME. The last thing she asked me for was a Royalboy Kougra Plushie. There are NONE under 700k and I only have 400k in the bank. This is the second time I've gotten to about level 30 and the thing she asks me for is astonishingly rare/expensive

  5. No, he's the grandparents dog XD I'm looking after him at the moment. I'm a bird owner myself, but hope to have my own German Shepherd puppy one day :wub_anim: The grandparents have kept German Shepherds all my life and they're the dog for me! But only when I get my own place and enough time and money to look after her


    I own cockatiels that formally belonged to the grandmother but are mine now :laughingsmiley:


    So do I; it's oddly painful and it doesn't help when I sneeze or need to blow my nose to get rid of the blood inside to help me breathe :sad02:

  6. Well it was a total accident; I tried to flop down on the bed and expected him to dash away (since he thinks I'm chasing him XD) but instead he jumped up to meet me and we collided x_x My main concern after the pain was that he was okay, but he suffered only emotional damage (he ran off and didn't want to come near me, knowing that he'd hurt me even if it was an accident). I'm hoping nothing is broken; I suffer sinitus at the best of times without this! Plus I've never broken any bones before this

  7. I smashed my nose on Monday by accident :C Basically collided with a year old German Shepherd puppy. Puppy was fine, my face definately wasn't! It's mostly the upper part and it is quite swollen. No real bleeding although it might have done further up my nose


    Been to the doctor and I've to go to hospital in ten days (after the swelling goes down) for an x-ray to see if I've broken any of the tiny little bones in my nose

  8. I knew absolutely nothing about the Altador Cup, but I joined Faerieland and played a few games. Just disappointed that there were no Xweetoks on the Faerie team :C I went with the fact that I like Faerieland and Faerieland-themed things.


    That said I like the look of some of the other team members XD The Altador pink Lupe is utterly adorable!


    I'll be Faerieland again and I plan to play much more (I just rejoined Neopets when the cup was playing). I agree with the observation that Maraqua seems to be the most popular, along with DC

  9. Not this thing again ...


    THIS IS NOT NEWS. And I don't mean in the sense that this was talked about at the beginning of the year, this has been known pretty much since the dawn of Astrology. For Astrological purposes we follow the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL CHANGES WITH THIS STAR SIGN. It does not exist in Western Astrology and everyone is to ignore this thing.


    I'm quite good at it (Virgo) and I've looked into it. It's nonsense, and we can safetly ignore it



    Here's my post from around that time :


    I put this here in case there are clients worried about their star-sign tattoos and the 'new' astrological calender


    As far as I can gather, we have 'uncovered' this 'secret' astrology before (i.e. the hidden 13th sign and the misalignment of stars). However, we follow the tropical set of stars rather than the one that's apparently changed so NOTHING HAS CHANGED. It's one of these things that people panic over but if you look over the profile of the star you're 'supposed' to be, you might find glaring holes in it


    (Put it this way; I'm a Virgo in every way apart from money and jogging. The idea of my being a Leo is absurd)


    So if you are worried about that Aquarius tattoo when you're 'supposed' to be a Capricorn, don't reach for the lasers or book the coverups just yet. It's NOT an emergency and you are still the same star sign until all the astrologers go 'Wait, no, it's wrong'. So far nothing has happened and the story has dropped out of reporting circulation, and no 'generic' horoscope section has changed their options (my pre-selected date-based one still says Virgo)


    IGNORE the warnings and be the same sign you think you are now


    EDIT: This explains it best http://voices.washingtonpost.com/blog-post/2011/01/new_zodiac_sign_dates_dont_swi.html


    So the PLANETS have changed but the ASTROLOGY has NOT



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  10. Since some things you want to say or moan about in Neopets that doesn't fit in other places (like Faerie things go in the Faerie thread)


    My rant : Made a nice fat profit in my shop from Hot Dogs. Then I do an Illusens Quest and she pretty much wipes out my profit by asking for a Mynci Zoot Suit Belt


    Thanks Illusen >:C I remember now why I gave up one of your quests, mainly because the thing you asked for was only stocked by one shop and they wanted 50,000 for it

  11. Oh. Sorry *looks down in shame*


    I call that a petpage and the thingys in my link homepages :)


    XD It's okay, it's a common thing as I keep getting results for pet lookups on searches. I've finished modding for the moment! Tell me what you think!

  12. I had noticed it starting to slow as I was trying to preview minor edits to a template I got for my pets homepage, and then it just completely refused to load. Something to do with the five score thing? It's gonna put a dent in my store sales as well <_< (I use my shop and employment as my main methods of income rather than games)

  13. Is Neopets going slow for anyone else or is it just me? Things either time out or take forever to load!


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