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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. Okay, I got Abigail's score. My hints are; use the mouse, it honestly works better! Don't get caught in a corner when your Hasees crash into each other, you can't move if that happens! And PRACTISE. It took me five games to get used to the controls -_-;;

  2. Thanks for the team invite, Lady Kataka, however I'm not sure how this works, but I think i did it right, did I?


    And Abigail for me on Destrucht-O-Match III - it's a game I'm not so good at, well, I'm DECENT, but I have only gotten a high score of 1019. I have tried beating AAA at this game in the past and did not succeed - I learnt from experience. So, as much as I wish to challenge him, I have to settle with his sister instead. :(


    UGH!!!! I DOUBLE POSTED AGAIN! :grrr: Curse this posting problem I have with my stupid browser! Yes, yes, I know, I need to get it looked at, because now it's leading me to double post! *is fuming*


    Did you accept my invite? o_O It says on my console it's a 'Pending Invitation'. If you can't see it on yours (I clicked on 'Team Challenge' and it shows up at the bottom for pending invites) then send ME an invitation and we'll see if it works that way XD

  3. We all have goals and things we are saving towards :laughingsmiley: So let's hear yours! If you can help someone with their goal (knowing a seller, knowing how to best get something, etc.) that's welcome here too!


    My goals :

    • Paint Xanthrax - Shadow
    • Buy a Zombie Petpet Paint Brush + Anubis to make a Zombie Anubis for Xanthrax
    • Trade for Gothic Party background for Xanthrax
    • Complete Faerie section of Neodeck
    • Finish gallery! (though unlikely without Illusen's Neopets 6th Birthday Cake)
    • Complete Neohome somehow (mostly it's the garden. Come on TNT, release some new wallpapers and furniture!)
    • Finish stories for Moorlough, Nimhue and Xanthrax

  4. Is it wrong I kept looking at the spot next to Wraith waiting for the image to load before I scrolled down and saw it was invisible? XD;


    LOVE the Wraith! The entire thing is gorgeous, but the ears especially!

  5. I cannot have a pet with numbers or underscores, I can't have usernames or emails with that either! It's so stereotypically 'internet', so I try hard to keep names original and not gibberish (but I do understand that there are limited names out there)


    Moorlough is from the song 'Moorlough Shore' by Caroline Lavelle. I fell in love with that song for years, and even my fictional artist/writer studio is called Moorlough Studios and have a tattoo/character/concept called Moorlough


    Nimhue is from 'Merlin' the TV series. It's a beautiful name and that's the way I spelt it although I've been informed that's the wrong spelling. Oh well! (it's pronounced 'nim-hoo/oo/u-way' )


    Xanthrax is from my wanting to give a character the name Xanthras as an elegant but Gothic name, but someone already has that name XD So I changed the S to X (essentially just naming the end syllable harder)

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