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Posts posted by siniri

  1. Congrats to everyone who made it into the contest! I tried to give Kody her first vote, but it was her second instead. Next vote will go to whomever has the least when I get home this evening.


    I only submitted captions early (mostly), but I thought I sent in several really good ones (a few of which appeared under other names, so I guess I didn't have enough original ones).


    My fave that didn't get in was sent yesterday when the CC was late updating:


    Grarrl: The captions didn't go up for a vote on time.

    Space Faerie: Time moves slower in space; it's only Thursday.

    Grarrl: Hey, is that the new server in the corner? I've found the source of the lag!

  2. My understanding is that the boon doesn't work that way. There are some items from each shop that are designated black market boon items, and they are only visible to those with the boon. (That's why shops that usually are full sometimes have empty spaces for a while, when this boon isn't activated, because no one can see the items to buy them -- of course, since TNT changed the restocking rules to clear "dead" inventory for its birthday, I suspect this is less of an issue.)


    Not all the shops have black market boons, but you should see some restock at some point. The best time to catch them is at midnight, as soon as the boons are released (to catch all the boon items that have been sitting on shelves invisible).

  3. Recently I've listened to As You Like It, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, My Friend Flicka by Mary O'Hara, and The Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie. All quite enjoyable.


    Next up: Farewell Summer by Ray Bradbury and The Plague by Albert Camus (I read the latter for French class, en français, but I didn't have time to read it properly).

  4. The problem is that they moved Terabytes of data, and there was inevitably some corruption. It is literally billions of lines of code written nearly continuously over 16 years, with numerous staff changes (very few, if any, of the original programmers are still there) and dozens of protocols (the official, standard ones for the internet, not TNT-specific ones -- it's likely that TNT's programming conventions and practices have changed over the years, too -- if they even had many standards in the early years). So when they try to fix something, it can break something else.


    The first move was so corrupted, they had to repeat part of it and start over. I think people are underestimating the size and complexity of the problem. It's not like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It's more like trying to find a hundred needles in all the haystacks on earth, without the aid of a magnet.


    I'm frustrated, too. I'm sure none of us are nearly as frustrated as the programmers trying to solve it. I believe that they have skilled programmers, probably a few extra on temporary assignment from Jump Start. Enough? Well, the more people you have mucking around, the more they might actually break things worse... I'm not sure management can make them work faster. I think they've got the priorities right, and their current method of working on it, with occasional downtimes at night when needed, is working. I know some people say they'd rather they take the site down for longer and fix it, but I'm not sure that would really help them fix it faster. I'm sure they're highly motivated to solve this, so they can work on new content and keep their jobs.


    Updating old code is probably one of those things on the to-do list that never actually happens. Now they're being forced to do it. It's taking a long time, but the site might actually end up working much better -- and be ready to move in exciting new directions -- once it's done. If there's anyone left to enjoy it by the time they finish...

  5. Is it possible to study both? The thing about "science" is that actual science is very different from science class. Especially intro biology courses, which cover a wide array of subjects, require much memorization (and often little actual thinking), and don't really go into anything in detail.


    I went into college wanting to be a "medical researcher" because my sister went to nursing school when I was little, and when I told her I wanted to be a doctor to help people, she told me that medical researchers find the cures that doctors use, and can help a lot more people, and this idea really excited me (I think it was pretty obvious from a young age that I had a very scientific mind -- I was always very curious and wanted to understand how things worked). When I was in high school, I read The Hot Zone and was drawn to epidemiology ("disease detective"), but I couldn't figure out how to become one. Since the ones in the book were medical doctors, I figured I'd go that route and figure it out from there.


    And so I entered college and double-majored in biochemistry and biology. I realized I wasn't going to get through medical school not wanting to be an actual doctor (I don't have the self-discipline for such a huge commitment unless it's something I actually enjoy), especially after I realized there are schools of public health, and I didn't need the MD. I went to a college with large research facilities, and got a job in a physiology research lab the summer after my second year (which I continued full-time summers and part-time during the school year until I graduated). I enjoyed working in the lab, but I was uncomfortable with the little animal work I had to do, and I wasn't enthused about physiology; I've always been more interested in infectious diseases.


    I was exposed to basic epidemiology in some of my upper level biology courses, but I knew it might not represent what it was truly like, and I was torn between that and research. I took a temporary job at a pharmaceutical company in Research Triangle Park; that experience taught me that I needed to work for academia or a non-profit, not a corporation. I was able to get a job in a virology lab at a university that also had a school of public health. I took a few public health courses while working, and I realized that I wanted to see how what I was doing was benefiting people -- and basic virology research was too far removed for me to feel that. So I went to public health school.


    Now my interests have shifted a bit; I'm still interested in infectious diseases, but I'm also interested in the relationship between poverty and health (thanks to both my coursework and my volunteer "work"). Looking back at my college courses, I struggled with organic chemistry, found the required memorization for my biochemistry courses tedious, was a bit bored by physical chemistry... I loved some of my upper level biology courses, especially the ones that required more thinking and less memorization, and the labs that allowed us to actually develop our own experiments. But I appreciated the fuller understanding of how living things work, from the molecular level all the way to the organismic level. My chemistry was very useful in the lab (making solutions, etc.). Both degrees are very useful when reading journal articles, studies, etc., because I can understand most of the experimental techniques used, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. It was an excellent foundation for public health.


    My science degrees are also helpful in reading books, articles, essays, etc. -- and not just about science. A good science education can teach you how to be a critical thinker, especially if you're encouraged to look at the strengths and weaknesses of experiments. One of my hobbies is writing, and I'm currently writing a children's book. My writing has sometimes ended up on the back burner, and I do regret letting a bad experience in AP English dissuade me from taking any English courses in college (except for intro to poetry writing), but I figured that it'd be much easier to get writing coaching once I left college than it would be for me to get science experience. Science just has so much specialized knowledge, it takes a long time to learn. (Obviously, English does, too, but we start learning that as infants.)


    Sorry this is already so long. My story isn't actually meant to persuade you to pursue science. I think it's important to continually reevaluate. Figure out what specifically drew you to science and English in the first place. What do you enjoy in your courses in each? Do those aspects correspond to any specific jobs? (Not necessarily in the same field -- my love of mysteries, puzzles, and detective work can be used in epidemiology, which is a bit far afield from police work!) What didn't you like about your science courses? Are you sure those aspects are actually present in "real" science (or at least, in all real science)?


    Finally, have you talked to an adviser/mentor in either field? Not necessarily a professor; maybe a grad student or a professional... find out what it's really like to do it, not just learn about it. Maybe take a part-time job (try to get one where you can do more than just wash glassware, though you might have to start there...) or join a club (the newspaper?).


    I have friends who double-majored in unrelated things, such as science and government, or music and science. You don't have to do just one thing (one PhD student in virology was also a semi-professional opera singer). Or you can combine them -- we really need more decent science journalists! Anyway, if you have any questions about things within my experience, I'm happy to talk to you more via PM or IM.

  6. Do Coincidence stat effects go to the active pet, or do they go to any pet? I'm at a transition point in training where I'm trying to get HP to 3x level before bumping up to the next codestone level, and I don't want to get bumped there before I'm ready.


    I've only been to the Coincidence a handful of times, and I've never had a positive outcome from it.

  7. Hiya; I have a Cloud Altachuck and a Custard Angelpuss to put up for sale but can't find a price - I know how much it cost to paint them so don't want to go lower than the cost of the paintbrushes, though. I tried putting them up for auction for 100k each but like a total numpty put an extra 0 on the altachuck (hm, no wonder it didn't sell haha! Total accident and I had to wait a whole day for it to drop off..!). I'm about to put them as separate lots at the Trading Post and any advice is gratefully received :)

    In general, for painted petpets, a fair price is the price of the petpet + the price of the paint brush - a small amount (~10%, up to 100k or so). If you try to charge more than the combination price, the user would just acquire the paint brush and the petpet and paint it themselves. How much of a discount you want to give is up to you. It might take a while to find a buyer who wants that color of that particular petpet; if you have patience, you should be able to get fairly close to the price of the petpet + the price of the paint brush. (If you have a petpet paint brush you don't want to use, I recommend selling it as is instead of painting a petpet with it.)

  8. snm08, that's really sweet of you. I have a friend from a Neoboards chat thread who is in the CC for the first time. She's currently in contention for gold, so I didn't put it in my signature (otherwise people in that chat might vote for me instead of her), and I'm not around enough to make a board worth the effort. As long as I'm not in the bottom 15, I'm totally fine with whatever place I end up with (though of course silver would be nicer than bronze, just for the extra NP -- but it's not worth hours of advertising for 2.5k or so).


    Hope this winter thaws out soon -- nice and gradually, so people don't get too much spring flooding.

  9. I hope this is okay. Instead of several voting threads, I thought it might be better to have one thread with all the CC entries from TDN this week. I'm adding all the ones I know of now, in the order they appear on my CC page. If I missed you, please let me know in this topic and I'll add your caption and voting link. (I won't be home until late this evening, so please scroll down and read additional posts to make sure I didn't overlook anyone. Thanks!)

    Note: You can vote in the CC every 4 hours until the contest ends early Tuesday afternoon. You can see all the captions (and see who needs votes the most) by clicking here: http://www.neopets.com/games/caption_browse.phtml


    By jlp2q (siniri):
    Snowbunny [To Meepit]: And that's how you hypnotize someone, according to the book. Why did you want to know?
    Meepit [To Doglefox]: When you wake up...
    Snowbunny: What did you do?!?
    Vote for me here!

    By fullonparanoid:
    Meepit: So, when is this Murder Mystery Party supposed to begin?
    Snowbunny: It already has!
    Vote for me here!


    By kodylaurentia:
    Meepit: Doesn't anyone else think it's time to put the tree away for the year?!?
    Vote for me here!


    By angelbear1124 (jenks):
    Meepit [To Snowbunny]: Read me the part again about world domination.
    Vote for me here!


    By a_ramsell:
    Meepit: Does it say anything in that book about what to do if you're trapped in a bowl of cashews?
    Vote for me here!

  10. I too won the lottery once but not the avatar. Unfortunate really :P I picked my numbers off one of the pages previously mentioned..I think there were about 25 people that won at the same time as me. However, I do know someone who has won the avatar!


    the time I won was actually the first time I ever played the lotto lol xD I was so discouraged by the fact I wasn't awarded the avatar so I gave up. It was also two days after the lotto avatar was announced. I sent in a ticket because I thought there was a glitch. They wrote back and said that if there was a glitch they would let me know. soooo I'm assuming there is no glitch with the way the lotta avatar is currently awarded. Just have to be even luckier!

    So does anyone know how you can be first? Is it based on the order of when you purchase tickets? Because that doesn't seem fair because of time zones. If it's based on alphabetical order, that doesn't seem fair, either. If it's based on randomness, well, winning the lottery is already hard enough without having to win it several dozen times for the avatar. (I've never won it, and while I've never bought a ticket, I have "played" it many times thanks to be handing free tickets via wheels/REs.)

  11. I'm a little outdated on any lag news because I've been away for a week, but I remember that one week ago the site was fairly fast, and now the lag is just impossible. Is it that bad for everyone? SIgh.

    The lag is a hydra. TNT cuts off its head with each site downtime, but then it quickly grows back two heads to replace the one it lost. Will it ever end? I hope so -- probably not as much as TNT's programmers do! I hope they get some giant bonuses once they finally finish fixing everything.

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