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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. Ruto

    Why do you say that?


  2. Nnn! Nn mn mmf!

  3. Noez, ur quesoz belongz to meh. >=D

  4. That's the old cheese with the toxins that Anime tried to poison me with last night.

  5. That's Spanish for cheese. ^w^

  6. I love my noobs with a side of queso. :o

  7. "These got peanuts and soap in 'em! ^w^"

    I haven't seen that show in forever. xD

  8. "Zim!"







  9. Haha, I like your avatar. =)

  10. Aww, okay. :(


    And she's only grinning like that because she has an evil plan. >=)

  11. Ruto

    I think you are going crazy, livvy. ;)


    *arrests you*

  13. Ruto


  14. Ruto

    I pick door number 3.

  15. Ruto

    This is a random comment.

  16. Ruto

    True, but a bored day is usually a Saturday or Sunday. :P

  17. Ruto

    Hmm...am I willing to go through 4722 posts looking for something funny? xP

  18. I like how you put my crap pictures in there. xD

  19. :o

    I have no socks on.

    Probably because you already rocked them off. :o

  20. If I had socks on, Cameron would rock them off. :o

  21. Ruto

    Ian pwns.

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