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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. You can use photobucket or imageshack to upload your image. Then put the URL of your picture between the tags [/img]. ;o

  2. PFFT We have the same birthday! :O I'm just a year older. xP

  3. Oh, no problem. I'm happy to see someone other than me who plays Valenth. xD

  4. Ruto

    :O Zac's got a birthday! Happy birthday!

  5. I have a Ban Spear. I don't know what colors Ban Hammers come in.

  6. Ruto

    Oh thank you. You get a cookie.

  7. Ruto

    Oh hai Ian. May I borrow your World Domination Hammer?

  8. Ruto

    Aww, somebody needs a hug!!

  9. Bad kitty. Down.

  10. Yes, and they forced me to travel with my brother. D=

    *gives cookie*

  11. Pfft, not my fault that my family wants to drag me all over Texas. D=

    So you'd rather be under my control. Want a cookie?

  12. Aww. Cool UHN is gone. :(


  13. Because after I leave this campground, I'll really be gone.

    Which is to say...now.

  14. *disposes of yooyu* I'll bet you do. Go use them on someone else's profile, please.

  15. *MM destroys meepit*

    I wouldn't reccommed trying that again.

  16. Oh, that's very sad. But my minions are replaceable. Good luck with the whole possesion thing.

  17. Oh! I had to look at your name history to figure out who you are. xD Looks like she already caught you. =/

  18. Ruto

    Don't touch! D=<

  19. Twasn't? Is that how you spell it? I'm so confused. D=

  20. Yes, quite the horrible grammar you have going on there.

  21. Izn't it? Did you find the other one?

  22. Get off mah comment box! D=

    My internet is being really buggy this morning...

  23. You've been forever immortalized on my profile.

    I hope you'll at least have time to visit again.

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