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Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. Oh. Hello. *poke*

  2. I guess I never mentioned that your post count is OVER 9000!

  3. <3 Lemons :o

  4. LEMONS! YUS! :o


  5. They haven't found out yet. So far so good. Do you have the lemons?

  6. Living with fear is like half-living. ;o

  7. Where can I find this "Morgan"? :o

    Pay--the--court--a fine or--serve--your--sentence.

  8. Hey, nice pet. Where can I get one? :o

  9. I'll bring the cheese dip.

  10. *clutches heart dramatically* O, Laura, what have I brought upon thee?! NOOOOOOO*kasnooze*

  11. Ruto

    You're right. We must summon the feepits at once! <=o

  12. Ruto

    I ph34r you.

  13. *dramatic voice* No, Cameron, it can't be true! *screams angrily at the sky*

  14. I don't know what punk made you get a 4-star rating, but I wish I could raise it higher. =/

  15. =K Maraqua is going to do better than ever.

  16. I like your display name. :)

  17. ...D=

    *slowly nomz*

  18. *nomz cheese*

    Thanks you Steph! ^_^



  20. Ruto

    Thanks =D

  21. Thanks =o

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