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Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Ruto





    Have some cheese.

    You earned it. ;o

  2. *sigh*

    All right. You win.

    Have a cookie.

  3. *poke*

    Pwned. ;o

  4. Happy birthday! :D

  5. Happy birthday! ^_^

  6. Ruto

    Happy birthday! Even though it's late over there. :P

  7. Nah, we're just making fun of Tara. How have you been? xP

  8. Ruto

    You mean, she's insulting herself? xP

  9. Ruto

    You watch Daria? Awesome show. xD

  10. Happy birthday. ;)

  11. *annihilates you*

  12. *takes cheese back*

    Dun touch.

  13. Cheese thief! >=( *destroys you*

  14. Why yes, I can read that code in your signature. :P

  15. Ruto

    Haha, I can see why. xP

  16. Ruto

    Icing...blech. Makes me sick. x_x

    *steals cheese*

  17. Ruto

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm not leaving for a long time. :)

    But who knows about the others. :(

    ...Can we talk about something happier now? T_T

  18. Ruto

    Seriously. And then I see old posts of members who were my friends and have long since left TDN. It makes me sad. :(

  19. Ruto

    You never know. Real life stalks and pounces like a silent...kitty...xP

  20. Ruto

    Perhaps, if they don't make a sudden disappearing act. :o

  21. Ruto

    You haven't been here two months and you already have over 1000 posts.

    I should start making a FM welcome topic. xD

  22. Ruto

    >=) >=D

    Phear grin.

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