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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. x.o Ouch. You need a metal eye.


    You're hired.

  3. Nope. Oranges will never set foot in Cheese World again, so no need to worry about a second war.



  4. My friend always get an orange at school and peels it right in front of me. I hate the smell. x.x

  5. We lost a lot of oranges in that war. That's how it should be. :D

    I'll never unban oranges. Never. Ever.

  6. Flying Cheese ORB Express! D=< Oranges are still very much banned.

  7. It's taking the FCOE and using a pencil as a pogo stick to swim its way to you.

  8. They were never yours...you stole them from me! D=<

  9. I don't know which punk gave you one star, but I raised it to three. That's the best I can do. D=

  10. *steals mozzarella sticks & runs away to Greenland*

  11. Orange...nasty.

  12. :P

    (Spline flu? xD)

  13. :o That's something to look forward to!

    I still have two years to go before college. :(

  14. Ruto

    No, it's just temporary. xD

  15. Finally, some pants ye shall wear! =D

    ...Why next year?

  16. I do not lie. For if I lied, that would make me the same as a pumpkin. A liar.

    But I am not a pumpkin.

  17. Just waiting for the weekend to get here. :D

    So wazzup?

  18. Yep. Apparently that word is too big. :(

  19. Ohmygoodnessgracious?

    Is there a space?

  20. Why do I have 3 PMs all saying that you left me a comment? xP

  21. Ohmigod

    Cameron pwns

    Spread the word :o

  22. RIGHT.


  23. Ah, I see. Good to see you again. I'm still hanging around. xD

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