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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. 8?! Wow. xD

    *eats cheese*

  2. Ha, I wouldn't lie about stuff like that. xD Glad it means something to you. ;o

  3. Ruto

    *has poked Ian*

  4. It's really cold here, not a lot of sunshine. So I don't get frustrated by looking outside. xD

  5. Cute display name. ;P

  6. This week's been busy for me, too. I've hardly had any time to come on TDN, which is really annoying. =/

  7. Oh no problem. :P

    Well, for one thing, we're hiring. As if that wasn't obvious enough. xD We've already got some nice people for news & content staff. I haven't met the customization ones yet. xD

  8. I guess it gets confusing when you're talking to two people on the same profile. xD

  9. I is not your master. And ramen noodles are disgusting. x_x

  10. Nice personal photo. xDxD

  11. Hard work, dedication, shed blood, spilled tears, backbreaking labor, and broken kneecaps.

    Or you could just PM me. Most people seem to do that instead of the first option.

  12. It's a duck. xD

  13. Heh, whoops. I must have accidently counted The Mutant Korbat as two people. So, I guess you're actually number 12, since Metroid never really became a Fluffy Minion, he just sold his soul to me. ^_^

  14. Did you miscount? I could have sworn I counted 12 before I got to you, not including Metroid...

  15. 13th, actually. xD

  16. Muahaha, have you been touched by Anime recently?

    I was actually talking to UHN, but didn't feel like going over to their profile. xD

  17. Congratulations on getting accepted, and good luck on your trial! ;)

  18. Ruto, just Ruto.

    And I have some gummy toes. They're better than the real things. *tosses you a package*

  19. You lie again. Nobody has toes of cheese, and nobody has cheese-tasting toes. That's repulsive. =/

  20. Happy birthday! :)

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