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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. Believe it, for it is true. :(

  2. I'm not of "legal age". If I get injured, the restaurant gets blamed. T_T

  3. Ah, you got cut off there. xD

    I live in a freakisly small town. The only jobs available right now are cooking and delivery jobs.

  4. I have too added you. ;o

    My dad thinks I need a job even though I can't even drive yet. What does he think I'll be eligible to do?

  5. I'm quite good at procrastinating, too. I work better under pressure. ^_^

  6. Not if you talk like that. o.O xD

    Haven't I already added you?

  7. xDxDxD I'm actually 2843 years old, but the age only goes to 99...I got bored in journalism today and drew the triforce on my hand. xD

  8. You're gonna be sent to the lair of the teletubbies while I sleep. Have a nice day. >=)

  9. You dare poke me? Ye shall be punished.

  10. Happy birthday. ^_^

  11. Happy birthday. :)

  12. Well, good luck! ;D

  13. Erm...it's just for the sake of showing off your dragons. And that you can raise one without having a bunch of dead eggs on your scroll. xD

  14. Raise some dragons, of course! And there are some rare ones, too. ;o

  15. Yeah, lots of people are getting into that game. ;)

  16. Ah. <_>

    You need to post more. We need more FMs. ;o

  17. Arg. Check-up or illness?

  18. I do too. Sometimes I forget what time of day it is in someone else's country, so I have to go to their lookup to find out. ;o

  19. Well it's just now a Monday to me. xD *gives brownie*

  20. Ruto

    Happy birthday. ^_^

  21. Y'know, Midna and Link make a great pair. ;D

  22. Happy birthday. :)

  23. Oh awesome.

    Glad you told me not to pick it up.

    Who knows what would have happened...

    I need sleep. G'night. :)

  24. I'm sorry.

    That monster was my brother.

    I'll tell him to return your brownie immediately. :)

    I've gotta get some sleep. G'night. ;D

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