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Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. Happy birthday, Maya! *confetti, balloons, & pears fall from sky*

  2. Happy birthday, Chip! *cake*

  3. *was suffocated* Princess Ruto loves the penguin in the photo. :D

  4. Keiko hath returned! *rounds up random clowns for party*

  5. Ruto

    :o Oh my gosh! I completely fell for it!

  6. I like fruit. The occasional pear is okay, too. ^_^

  7. *heavy breathing* Cheese...cheese...YOU'RE ONE COOL PERSON!!!

  8. Yesh! Cheese! You're a cool person! =D

  9. Because it's fun and entertaining. :D

    Doh! Why did I leave a comment on TBC's profile?

    Because I've gone temporarily insane.

  10. Aww, poor, lonely Aang. Let me leave you a comment. :D


  11. All those interests and you don't include cheese? What's wrong with you?! *dies*

  12. Ruto

    Mini posts a lot here. :D I like your pic.

    OMG! ONOZ!

  13. So I see. :o I like your pear statement. ^_^

  14. Hey MOP. I rated you 5 stars! :D

  15. Ruto

    Eric birthday! Yay! *bakes cake*

  16. Ruto

    *pokes Matt* He pwns at Asteroids.

  17. Ellie gets 5 stars! :D

  18. Comment for Mini? Yes!

    Coolio Mini!

  19. Ruto

    Comment destroyed? Destroyed? Noooo! Anime keeps comments made by Princess Ruto!

  20. Ruto

    Ian pwns, but he does not pwn cheese. :D :P

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