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Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. Ruto

    Te gusta espanol? Y...me encanta queso! :D

  2. Ruto

    First to post a comment on a newbie box! ^_^

  3. Ruto

    Oh the things I miss when I'm away. You're red now. =O

  4. Oh, now we have at least two Morgan's here! =D

  5. Ruto

    Happy Birthday, whenever you decide to visit again! :)

  6. Not being afraid of me will be your biggest mistake...*laughs insanely*

  7. I've got more sedative darts...look out. :P

  8. Happy birthday from a random TDNer.

  9. Happy birthday! =D

  10. Oh! You've almost hit FM level! Cheers! ^_^

  11. Oh! You're back!

  12. Er, hello there.

  13. KEIKO!!! *hugs to death* I missed you soooooo much!!!

  14. My comment box is getting lonely. *posts a comment*

  15. So...you like penguins? Then we have two penguin-lovers! You should find Ellie somewhere and introduce yourself! :D

  16. *dies from jab*

  17. No one pokes Princess Ruto and gets away with it! *pokes back*

  18. *gives Dillon a gold star*

  19. Ruto

    Must...poke...super mod. *poke*

  20. Wait a minute, I have stumbled onto the lookup of someone who missed me. Do I have a fan? :P

  21. I think it would be great if TNT released a cheese paint brush. What do you think?

  22. Gracias, Dillon! :D

  23. Gracias, Anna! :D

  24. Princess Ruto does not become queen until Link can set aside differences in species and marry her. ;)

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