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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. I like saying you display name, too.

    Strangely enough, it sounds like "Doodles".

    But that's impossible.

  2. Ruto

    xD I wish I had 60k posts. Then I'd be first. ;o

  3. Woah, you came back? :o Hallo =)

  4. Ruto

    Oh yeah, that 3 minute per PM thing. Forgot about that. x_x Thank you!!!!

  5. Ruto

    Is that an extra star I see? :o

  6. Never heard of that. :o

    *eats cheese*

  7. Ruto

    You're supposed to EAT the poop.

  8. Ruto

    Not as tasty as cheese.

  9. Ruto

    Er, no.

    I was gonna say cookie.

    But that's not right, is it?

  10. Ruto

    Then you'll be remembered as a brave coo--Fluffy Minion.

  11. Ruto

    *gives you a cookie*

    You're now officially on the list. You can never be removed from the list. >=D

  12. Ruto


    No. Go eat TJ's brains.

  13. Woah!

    You're totally right!

    Now you got me all excited again! :D

  14. Ruto

    I'll give you a cookie for setting your closet on fire. xP

  15. Ruto

    Hmm, what have you done to deserve a Morgan cookie?

  16. Ruto

    Do you deserve a cookie? >=/

  17. *checks to make sure cheese is safe*

  18. No I'm not! D= I was in class when you put that there, and I still am. I'll talk to you tonight.

  19. I hate it when I have to do that. :( Thanks for covering for me, I know you were staying up late. :(

  20. I bought a new face. ;o

  21. Oh. Hallo. ;o

  22. Ruto

    I do too. D=

    Let's not let them get killed.

  23. Ruto

    You know what they say: Curiosity killed the cat.

    Well I don't believe them.

    It was ignorance that killed the cat.

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