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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. No, I'm supporting Maraqua. The Piruto and Pirusher thing is a joke between me and Cameron.

  2. Happy birthday! :D

  3. :o You're in Texas!

    Let's go see some cows. xP


    Cannons ahoy! =D

  5. *tacklehuggle*

    Como es mi mejor amigo? :o

  6. Anything is possible.

    You may join me if you wish. You'll get a free cookie! ;o

  7. I know, I was making a joke. xD Our school makes fun of the swine flu all the time.

  8. Your views are the same as mine.

    Have you considered becoming a fluffy minion?


    And I won't forget xD

  10. Hmm, really?


    You think she's lying? :o



    Also, I noticed it says "capitalixe" xD

  12. Give or take five tenths.

  13. Zant would be awesome if he wasn't evil. D=

    Well...awesome evil guy.

    How many evil guys jump up and down?

    Or twist their bodies every which way? xD

  14. "Some call our realm a world of shadows, but that makes it sound unpleasant..."

    *ahem* She lives in the twilight realm. xP But yeah. She's awesome.

  15. Quite right.

    How in the world did you figure that out?! D=

  16. DEEDLE

    What now, foo?

  17. Hey, I agree! =D

    It's like we think alike or something.

    Scary. o.o

  18. D= It was my cheese in the first place. T_T

  19. Dunno what you mean.

    I ate the only cheese lying around.

  20. YARLY.

    Yes. Really.

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