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Status Updates posted by Ruto

  1. HIHI. I'm very scary. Rwar.

  2. It looks even better if you view it in HD. The effects are amazing. 8D

  3. *eats cheese*

    *pokes harder*

    *disappears in puff of smoke*

  4. I think you'll enjoy that.

  5. Happy birthday, Ellie. :)

  6. Ruto

    Then you've got nothing to worry about.

  7. Ruto

    Have you been spamming recently? :P

  8. How do you like your Chocobos?

  9. -_-' I don't stalk anyone unless I'm hounding you for spamming.

  10. ...Yes, that's something I do quite often when it comes to people. :P

  11. That sucks. D: eBay?

  12. You need to catch up, the finale was over a year ago. xD

  13. Uh, yeah. Have you seen the series finale? :P

  14. Water bending beats fire bending.

  15. And I'm Ian in disguise.

  16. Aha, Tara's an avatard.

  17. In that case, it must be disposed of in the proper manner.

    *eats cheese*

  18. Impossible! All of my cheese is kept under lock and key!

  19. Ruto

    Congrats woowoowoowoo

  20. I wouldn't call it excitement, just boredom. :P

  21. Ruto

    I just have an identity crisis.

  22. Ruto

    *steals cheese*

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