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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. I'm sure CAV would like your Hissi...


    But I already got a Hissi. It's bad enough that I have to morph my Kyrii to get my Draik, and I'm already also hunting for a Krawk.


    I would love to have another Hissi, but I just don't have the room. Sorry.

  2. I perfectly agree with Secre. We have a right to know, especially when we get them to the power in the first place.


    Way to look at a small portion of my post and ignore/not respond to the main points <_<


    Just like how everybody does that to me. Don't like how it feels? Think about how I feel when someone doesn't read my entire post.

  3. I definitely think there should be some restrictions though. Such as no abortions after a set amount of time after a pregnancy. Five months maybe? Plenty of time to make a decision, and wait too long more people will consider the baby to be alive.


    Plus, I know plenty of people don't give a crap about God. So why do we go around making sure they follow His laws?


    A time limit is good (even though it sounds more like a video game :P). But they should also limit how many abortions a person can get in a lifetime. Once again bringing up the lady whom has had an abortion 11 times, if you abuse the right given to you, it should be taken away, because enough is enough.


    Exactly. For the most part I think that the only reason why people would be against abortion is because it's a sin. Being an athiest, I don't have to worry too much about sinning.

  4. Well, first off, I'd like to point out that we're not a democracy, we're a democratic republic, where we elect leaders how govern for us. So, no, we don't really govern, and we don't really control government. We can only pick the people that do control government. (In response to CAV and Rae)


    So it's "We the People, choose who bosses us around and tells us nothing." I don't remember that being in the constitution. Last I checked we were supposed to be a democracy. And if we elect the leaders, we are going to feel betrayed when something is kept from us. It will one day lead to anarchy.


    The corruption of the government hurts us more than these documents.


    So I'm still a terrorist for siding with Assange? I should also get life in prison? If so, then I'll wave hello on TV when I go to court just for siding with a man.

  5. I am aware that not everybody can be happy. TNT has proved that so many times with making somebody happy and me miserable. Like when the AC started earlier. That didn't help since I still had school.


    Well, let me take it up with them. I'll be able to rest easy knowing that at least I was specific, and that I tried.

  6. I understand that, but TNT will never change that. They get asked about it in the Editorial, and they always say it will never happen. Personally, I like having sides, for different reasons. I have themed side accounts, so if I could have more pets on my main, it just would work properly.


    Yeah, and it sucks.


    Why am I going to get a side account just to stare at one pet and do nothing else? I should ask them that question, and see what my response is. If the response is "Too bad", then all heck will break loose. :laughingsmiley:

  7. Part of me, as a curious person who still likes to gain knowledge, that Wikileaks is a good idea. Another, smaller, part of me feels that as an American we have the right to know what is going on with our government. My father still has a secret clearance with the government... I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to say that, and there are a lot of things that he knows that he is not allowed to tell anyone. Including his family. He has always said that there are things that the government doesn't want us to know, and it has always angered me to the core. WE are supposed to elect our officials, and WE are supposed to SELF GOVERN in a lot of ways.




    It's "We the people". We are suppose to be running the government. And that means we should know the things that are going on inside the government. Keeping these things secret and not telling the people who elect you in the first place is basically a slap in the face, and completely defeats the the purpose of America. It completely ticks me off as well


    Just feel the need to throw this out there. Someone stated that if you support WikiLeaks, you are a terrorist.


    So I'm a terrorist? I must ask when this kind of logic entered the human mind.

  8. Since the topic was being reborn in a different thread, I felt the need to remake this debate so the only posts there can be about that subject only. Not to mention that there are different members now compared to when the original topic was here.


    What are your thoughts on abortion?


    For me, I support abortion, provided that there are restrictions. I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me, but here me out. Let's say a 16 year old girl got pregnant. Her parents are likely to disown her because that's apparently how things work nowadays, and she'll be out on her own. She won't have enough money to care for the child, and the father ran away. What is she suppose to do? Give birth to the child and have no money to care for it, simply because abortion is "a mortal sin against god"? Or is she going to have an abortion, and the problem is solved? The latter is going to be an obvious choice (if she has the money of course). Granted, she shouldn't have done what she did, but it's too late to turn back.


    However, there should rules. I read a story about a person whom had 11 abortions in the past 10 years. That is unacceptable. Therefore, I suggest guidelines. If you abuse the right to abortion, then the right should be taken away from you.


    And no, I don't really care about China's decision to abort only girls. Because there's nothing I can do about that. In the end, it's so they can make money off of boys being able to do farm work, and work in factories. I can't do anything about it, because at the end of the day, it's their choice. Granted it's a wrong choice, but what can I do about it? What can you do about it? Nothing really.



  9. Anyways. Since this doesn't affect me at all I'm not really sure what the US is doing now. All I know is that this:


    had me rolling on the floor laughing XD


    You can put it in the quotes thread if you wish.


    Wow...support for the "let's throw away the girls in favor of the boys" mentality...

    I am shocked and appalled that any rational person could even try to excuse this horror.


    It is inexcusable. But you do have a choice. It's just that some choices are wrong, but people don't notice it.


    How you could still continue to justify gendercide is absolutely beyond me. It's wrong, period. There's no justification for it. You're basically justifying every other insane, illogical acts brought about by humans. So killing your daughters in favor of sons is understandable, but Hitler was wrong to kill Jews? It's a contradictory argument.


    Once again, they have a choice. If the Chinese want to only have boys so they can make more profit for farming, then that's their choice. Granted it's wrong, but there's nothing we can do about it. Because at the end of the day, the reason they do it is because of MONEY.


    And last I checked, the Holocaust killed 12 million people, 6 million of them being Jewish. I doubt that there has been that many abortions.


    And I think there are countries out there that abort sons in favor for daughters. We are all messed up. But abortion is a different topic. If you wish, I will make this topic. But we are suppose to be discussing the Korean events.

  10. I still don't think a side account is for me. I would like to do more than just stare at my pets all day. Which is why I wish they allowed 5 pet spots. It wouldn't really kill TNT. Sure they'll have to make adjustments, but it would benifit a good amount of players, me included.


    You know, a little perk for long time members.

  11. Actually, he claims that he doesn't want power.


    The former computer hacker said, essentially, that he was doing the Lord's work in publishing leaked secret and classified documents.


    "By being determined to be on this path, and not to compromise, I've wound up in an extraordinary situation," he said.


    I have no idea where religon gets into this, but whatever. It's his word. If it's true or not has yet to be seen.


    But if he didn't want power, it's too bad because he has it.


    As for the sex crimes, I have no idea. I wasn't there or anything. And that's Sweden's problem. The US' problem is WikiLeaks. Besides, what are they going to do? Deport him to the moon? They can't really do a whole lot that would be fitting for this "crime".

  12. For instance, the various things said about world leaders. Onoes, Berlesconi is vain and arrogant. Sarkozy is thin-skinned. Shocking revelations indeed. What possible relevance to the "truth" that the world should know, do these bear? All that sort of thing has done is bring about a quiet passive-aggressive ill will between the leaders of allied nations, who are at the end of the day only human. Of course in an official stance there's the whole "ha ha, we don't care what they said about us, we're all still pals", but really? You think Medvedev is going to shrug off being diplomatically referred to as "Robin" and act just the same in foreign relations towards the US? This isn't a matter of "The public must know", this is a matter of personal opinions which should be kept private.


    Once again, why did the government bother to describe the other world leaders when they know fully well that it could get out into the public? There are many holes and flaws in the government, where something like that can get out very easily.


    I think WikiLeaks has been blown out of proportion a lot. I'm all for freedom of the press and freedom of information, but to be honest... I haven't heard anything out of Wikileaks that wasn't being talked about already.


    I feel like this, along with EVERYTHING else in America these days, it getting played out through politics and twisted around to fit each sides' argument without actually looking at the big picture and doing what's right. And that's a shame.


    Actually, there are things there that I didn't know or hear about until now. Don't bother going there now, the site won't load up.


    It is a crying shame. And the end result is that things backfire on you like how the government did a bunch of things and now it's being backfired on them.

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