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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. We would have to ski in up-state NY, where the mountains are and there's a lot more snow.


    And what Wikipedia thing? The whole US government secrets thing. I did in fact laugh when that guy said that by supporting WikiLeaks, you are a terrorist. Just for that, I want to support it.


    So far, me, you, and Cornflakes are the only ones in festive season.


    Relax JB. My Christmas set will be ready in a week. I don't want to start things too early. Not right after Thanksgiving.

  2. I love baseball games too. Shea Stadium was my home away from home. When the final piece was torn down, I literally cried.



    This shows that I'm either a true die-hard Mets fan, or that I'm a complete wuss.


    And yes, that's Citi Field behind it, the new stadium for the Mets.

  3. Well, I want you to respond to the PM I just sent you. If I get a response, it would greatly help my outlook on the subject. Leaving me with nothing only proves my point further.

  4. Yeah well, you ended things rather soon, as I was still explaining about what I thought. Not giving me that chance is rather unfair, and puts us at a lethal stance, don't you think?

  5. The D-Backs really do suck, worst in the National League. But at least you aren't the worst in all of baseball, that's where Baltimore comes in. Then again, they got Buck, the man whom created the dynasty Yankees in the 90s, so they'll be good in a few years. My father was hoping Buck would come to the Mets, but he's satisfied with the clean-up they are doing now with the new GM and Manager.


    I'm dissipointed with the NY teams in Hockey. The Rangers are doing rather lackluster. The Islanders are even worse, losing 14 straight games before winning last week. Worst team in Hockey right now. At least the Devils aren't doing TOO bad. But there is a lot of room for improvement.


    I don't care for Basketball at the point.


    And I haven't seen football in a while now.

  6. Then why did you delete my PM when I tried to reason with you?


    I'm keeping your word that you will be at Serebii on the day of invasion. So far the date is still standing at December 28/29.

  7. Ryan would never survive living in New York. There's not a lot of snow, but it's a lot of blazing, piercing cold that feels like daggers ripping into your face, engulfing you and any exposed part of your body freezing to the point that it's a cold flame dancing on your skin, burning you and leaving you frost bitten.


    I want everyone to try and picture that in their mind. ^_^

  8. It does clear the clutter that was here, and makes good Neo discussion. But a lot of people are going to be turned off by the fact that posts don't count there. It's going to die a painful death, dispite how unfortunate it would be.


    I'm guilty of the post-count thing too, but I rarely used the dailies boards. However, I did get my FM on a daily board. :)


    Everyone is guilty of using the dailies for post counts. Me, you, Divya, Spritzie, Rae, every person on TDN has used the dailies for post count at one point or another.


    And for the record, I got my FM at the HOP.

  9. Yeah, honestly nobody is going to hand you one for free. For one thing, I doubt there is anyone out there with a whole bunch of Krawk MPs at their disposal. I myself want a Krawk, and I'm saving for it. I only have 110k NPs on hand, which is very far away from a Krawk MP. But I'm not begging.


    A Darigan Hissi was my ultimate dream pet. I didn't ask for someone to donate the MP and PB. I worked hard, and in the end I got my Darigan Hissi. I wasn't begging.


    When you beg for something, you will end up with absolutely nothing, with the exception of minor pity, which we know you do not want. Everyone works hard for the NPs they get. And they won't spend it on someone who begs, especially when it's someone they don't even know.


    I'm saying this the nicest way I can: Don't expect the easy way to getting what you want. Begging will get you nowhere. Nobody expects that treatment, and nobody gets that treatment, no exceptions. Start counting your pennies, use the advise that dasbif gave you as well as the advise that several people will give you in the near future, use the guides we have at TDN, and take note that there is not a single person on this planet that would give away something like a Krawk MP for no cost.

  10. I did in fact read the whole article, but I felt the need to share my bit of information.


    I also only buy from Amazon. I always buy everything from Amazon. They are always cheaper.


    $300 glasses. The ultimate proof that either the seller is cheap, or you are an idiot for buying them. Why pay $500 for a jacket, when you can get one for $40? Oh, my bad. I didn't know it was from France. Who gives a crap!?

  11. I finished 32 challenges. I didn't notice that I need 150 for Dubloon Disaster, and I had already sent my scores. Not to mention the fact that I'm god awful at MJB, and that I don't have the patience for Destruct-o-Match, leaves me with the silver trophy. :(


    I'm satisfied with what I did, but very dissipointed with what I didn't. But I guess I can't weigh myself too much since I started on Day 4, and didn't have a lot of time for myself during the weekend, and even less time yesterday.


    The tabard looks decent at best. I would've perfered different colors though (black and silver).

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