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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Hmm. So you would be here for the JN invasion, but not for the Serebii invasion.


    It's going to be impossible to get everybody ready for these dates, especially for a certain someone whom shall remain nameless, whom is never active to begin with.

  2. Hear, hear. I HATE the rating system. I was victim of some petty jealous newbie person who didn't like what I had to say and gave me a one-star rating for no good reason. That STILL irks me to this day, and that was months ago. I look at my 4-star rating and get mad.


    The rating system is exactly like this like/dislike stuff. People could abuse it and give you a bad rating just because they don't like you.


    I've also been a victim of this abuse. *pokes 3 stars of saddness*


    Basically, anything that involves rating people or their content is a great idea, but unfortunately there are people that troll and abuse them and ruin the fun for everybody else.

  3. Even Youtube is like that now. Instead of making an intelligent comment, people are too busy either making witty comments that aren't funny, something like "Justin Bieber sucks" when the video has nothing to do with Justin Bieber, or the worst of all:


    "369 people don't know true music"


    "26 people mistaked the dislike button for 'dis i like'"


    "3591 people have down syndrome"


    all in an attempt to get the highest rated comment.


    This would happen here, as people would try to get highest rated post.

  4. Congrats to the both of you on reach SM. Now for the long trek of FM.


    And welcome to TDN. I'm CAV, TDN's Video Game Addict.


    Yes you can change your name :) But you have to be a Super Member, which requires 400 posts.


    What was said here. You need at least 400 posts. So I hope you stay active to see Super Member, and maybe even Fantastic Member at 2,000 posts.

  5. The US shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. But since it would be difficult to back out on this one, I agree with Will. Back up with SK. At least make sure that barging into someone else's business wasn't a total waste. Cause when it does, it makes you look stupid.

  6. I don't like the idea much either, but for a different reason. People could abuse it and press "like" several times just because their friend made a post.


    And there can't be a "like" button without a "dislike" button. And if you don't want a "dislike" button, the entire idea has to be scrapped.

  7. I saw the news this evening, it looks like China's changed it's tune from "exercise restraint" to "what is wrong with you North Korea".


    I laughed upon seeing that.


    The way I see it is as follows:


    NK: You're a doodoo pie!

    SK: You're a fart face! I can't believe I'm related to you by second part of name! (Korea)

    US: HEY! Knock it off! You're bugging the world, quit it.

    NK: Don't make me angry! You won't like me when I'm angry!

    China: All of you, cut the crap.

  8. For anyone on the opposite side of the world, that's 21st December...


    That's my brother's birthday.


    Ok, how about this. We invade JN on December 20th/21st. We invade Serebii December 28th/29th. Sound good?

  9. Carbon monoxide alarms became mandatory not too long ago in the US, I think.

    Even if it wasn't mandatory I think people should have one. Just to be safe.


    Exactly. Mandatory or not, you should have a carbon monoxide alarm, and a fire alarm. You wouldn't want to die in your sleep now do you? :P

  10. Today is Black Friday, where all the Christmas sales begin.


    Today a woman cut in line, and threatened to shoot everyone she cut in front of, even though she didn't have an actual gun. She was arrested. Full story can be found here.



    Just felt the need to throw this out there, to show how much store sales have driven us insane.


    It should also been known that Black Friday sales killed a man 2 years ago, when he was trampled on when he opened the doors to Walmart to let the shoppers in.

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