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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. The only think I don't like is the ice afterwards. The store that is under my apartment building has the bad habit of not shoveling snow. It's great at first because of the snow. But it's near impossible to walk on when it gets slippery.

  2. Cyanide by Metallica.


    I disagree. I'm not very fond of that one. September, Used To, Crashed, There and Back Again, What I Want, All These Lives Home, and Over You are some really good ones, and some of my favorites (see, it's hard to pick just 1). I can't say much about the new album, since September and Life After You are the only songs I've heard from it.

  3. And this person can't always be on JN, when HAMS is on TDN.


    Like Ryan said, we need all 4 leaders. We can't live off of 3 active leaders and a barely active leader whom isn't even on the correct site.

  4. This is a rather difficult position. I would agree with the others, and keep the mail job and quit the other 2. If it isn't giving you enough money, it isn't worth your time.


    If you want to move to Canada or not is purely your decision. Personally, I would stay in Holland because I've always wanted to visit my nationality's country. But this isn't about me. This is a decision that nobody can decide for you.


    And don't fear your parents' reactions. Once you are 18, you have the right to move away from your family, regardless of how far it is. And they can't stop you.

  5. We're not really here to gain approval points so we can feel important, or try to bring someone down simply because we don't like them. I personally find the whole stars rating a bit counter-productive. A really decent person could have been rated one star by some troll, and along comes someone else who thinks that they're horrible because of their rating. I can't think of anyone who would openly admit to that sort of thinking, but it's the mindset that most of us have. Our opinions of people change based on their popularity or infamy ratings, and it really shouldn't be that way.


    What I've been saying all along, now has been further validated by another member, therefore proving the point that people would only abuse anything that involves rating a member. It's a nice idea, but there are people that ruin the fun for everyone else, and then the mods have to step into something that could've easily been dodged in the first place.


    Yeah, that's true, and I completely agree with you.


    I just wanted a way to tell people to not post if what they say doesn't help to answer the question at all without being nailed for backseat modding.

    Like I see a ton of posts nowadays which are like:

    "Hey, does anybody know how to <insert legitimate question here>?"

    "Not a clue, but hopefully someone else can come here and answer your question :)"


    Either that or they don't contribute anything new.

    "Is there a trade limit of Neopoints in the Trading Post?"

    "Yes, it's 800k."

    "Yes, the person above me is correct, it's 800k."

    "Yup, 800k is the maximum number of Neopoints you can offer."


    Not saying that those types of things happen all the time, just that I see them pretty often.


    This is another thing I've been seeing rather often. New members either posting crap that does nothing to move the conversation, or answers something that has already happened. I'm sure everyone has done this in the past, I know I have. But this has increased ten-fold.


    Another thing I've noticed is people creating topics or making worthless posts because they want to reach SM or FM. Someone would make a topic that doesn't really do much or have much of a purpose, and tries to get people to post in there so they can post in there themselves, so they can up their post count.


    Upon seeing the FM hunt craze, I had to think to myself "What have I done?"

  6. As a writer I'd have to disagree with you. If all that is being emphasized is the novelty of the story then it really isn't the story itself, just the novelty of an event happening, and one event does not a story make.


    It would increase the novelty of the story, but there needs to be more for it to become better overall.


    I myself am a small-time writer, and a majority of my endings are dark or depressing, for the sake of adding realism, or to show that not everybody gets a happy ending. Granted, TNT created the world, and they can do what they want with it. But it wouldn't kill for them to be a bit more creative, because the endings I see them make tend to be endings that I've seen several other times before.


    And yes, TNT needs better writers. It could be from the NT, it could be from their neighbors, it could be from people whom responded to a newspaper ad, I don't care. But they need much better writers.

  7. Thanks very much Tyler. The topic I want to stay alive and it nearly dies.


    I will have a new set tomorrow. It's a set that I didn't include in the topic about all the sigs I made. Why didn't I include it? Because I just made it. But I don't have time to add it today. Good night everyone.

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