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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. My husband played it through first, and he was all saintly-good, because he's such a boyscout, so I decided to play as Evil as I could be. It was most upsetting, goes rather against my nature, I don't like people running away from me and screaming. Mostly, anyway.


    I like being evil as well. Ah, the fun of turning safety mode off.....


    I got it a week ago and I'm currently playing my way through as the king. So I feel as though it's a good enough time to share my review.


    Fable 3 is a rather large world where you can interact with people, and this is a rather fun thing to do. Doesn't matter if you are dancing, farting, or sharing and evil laugh with the person, you will love their expressions and watch as they grow to love or fear you. Eventually you can also marry a person, and start a family. And to get a certain achievement, you have to kill your wife/husband 7 times, meaning that you have to get married to 7 people throughout the game.


    Combat is enjoyable, but can get repetitive and boring. You can fight with your sword/hammer, use a pistol/rifle, or use magic. It's incredible to weave together 2 different kinds of magic to create interesting effects, my favorite combination so far being Vortex and Shock. But it's easy to just spam with magic, thus making the game boring, and repetitive. Which is why it's best to switch between the 3. But even still after a while you will get bored as the combat becomes more repetitive, and you face the same enemies over and over again.


    You can also turn off safety mode, and you can hit and kill civilians. This will cost you, as the guards will force you to either pay a fine or do community service. Or you can resist arrest and try to escape. In the event that you can't escape, I suggest community service, which ranges between Lute playing, pie making, or blacksmith, which can also be used as normal jobs to get gold. All have the same mechanics, and therefore there is no difference between any of them. It gets very boring very fast, so imagine when you have a big debt.


    The Hero can be customized to your liking, from clothing to tattoos. And every action has a consequence, and choices can radically change the game, making every playthrough different than the last. This is further proven in your choices as a King/Queen. I cannot say more in fear of spoilers.


    Noticed something? Yes, this is nearly the exact same description as Fable 2. Those whom have played Fable 2 will suffer from extreme deja vu when they pick up Fable 3, as the game doesn't make any extremely noticable changes.


    In the end, if you own Fable 2 or you didn't like it, it might be best that you ignore this game. But if you haven't played Fable 2, or any Fable games (like me), then give this game a try.


    Fable 3 gets an 8/10.

  2. CAV, note my clear use of the word 'approximately' to cover my statement. ;) I did not have the precise value immediately available in my memory, therefore I did not claim to be providing absolutely precise data.


    Sorry, that's just something I hold myself to extremely strictly. xD


    Meh. In moments like those, I perfer to have the exact value, rather than an estimated one. Yes, I'm strange like that.

  3. Yes. You can't say that there is a good reason to completely outlaw the choice of abortion.


    Having sex without loving the person doesn't make you heartless.


    Actually, there's a word for it. It's called prostitution. When that's the case, you don't really love the person now do you? ;)

  4. Actually, I haven't PMed him just yet.


    And why have a limit? If someone has enough to give someone a PB, let them. Remember that it's the thought that counts. If you have the money, then use the money. No real need for limits.


    I'm horrible at finding gifts. I wouldn't know what to give. =\ Though it is a cool idea, and would be pretty nifty. =]


    Simple. We make a topic where everyone participating says a little bit about their interests with Neo and what they could want. If possible, you can even talk about your dream pets, but don't count on getting an MP of course. :P


    Then we do the drawing and people will be assigned to be the secret santa for someone. It's some raw ideas. We should make some ideas before I mention it to TJ.

  5. And while we might be neglecting the people stuck in the situation, thinking about this in the long run, that method might get the people of NK freedom faster, because then, progress is always being made, whereas now, Kim Jong Il only feels the need to tighten his grip on the country to "protect" it from westernization.


    That's a good point. Kim Jong II is basically trying to forcefully defend his dictatorship from threats that don't even exist. It's a lose-lose situation that we can't do anything about. The most we can do is sit back and watch this small nation implode from poor leadership.

  6. As for not being ABLE to take care of them properly, that's one thing, and again, they could give it up for adoption, rather than terminating it before it's born. I wouldn't want to keep a child I couldn't afford to raise, but I would not want to kill it before it's born, either. If you give up a child, they can find you when they're 18. If you terminate it, it's forever.


    That's sending them to an orphanage, which makes their life miserable knowing that their parents gave them up. To me it actually is worse than if you just had an abortion.


    But even with adults sometimes it will just happen. Maybe you're drunk and can't think clearly or something like that. I wouldn't put that below people.


    Not to mention that sex is the best way of expressing love for one another. When there's actual love.


    When there isn't, it just shows that they are heartless people that only want people for their bodies. But that's besides the point.

  7. I'll contact TJ.


    6 people are willing to fly to NY and stop me from killing myself in the even that I have thoughts of suiside due to recent events in my life. I dared Will and Livvy to find 15. I'm keeping track on how many people would be willing to fly/bike/run/etc.

  8. Also, I'm thinking of making something like a secret Santa here on TDN. Would anyone be interested.


    That does sound interesting. We should contact Ian or TJ to see if something like that can happen.



  9. Well said Will.


    Rose, as much as it is painful to say this, it can come out rather selfish that you get angry at people who abort the child just because you can't have any of your own. I'm not a moderator. Do I start yelling when people mod edit? No. Yeah I die a little inside, and I'm sure the case is the same with you about children, but you can't force people to do something they aren't ready for or don't want to do.


    I agree that a woman should be able to choose, but there's so many factors. My best friend years ago, ended up accidentally getting his girlfriend pregnant, and she told him, told him she wanted an abortion, then ran and got one before he could say a word. It was really traumatic for him, because his mom had originally planned on aborting him, so he had huge issues with it. He'd been willing to do whatever it took to help her. And she didn't even talk to him about it.


    A woman should talk with the father about this kind of business, because it's a rather touchy subject. But for the most part the woman has the final say, since she's the one carrying the fetus, not the man.

  10. I seem to be the only one that isn't a Meepit or Squirrel. *pokes Dragon King title*


    Speaking of Full Out War, could I change the location of that? 'Cause now we're off, floating in space.


    I haven't checked that in so long. I'll change it now.

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