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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Nah. I just feel bad. I don't go for something really expensive, but I perfer to get something that would help someone for one of their goals. Like if someone wants a Tyrannian PB for a dream pet, I wouldn't be afraid.


    And something tells me that some people out there are the same.

  2. I'm also working for a Krawk or Draik (whichever comes first). But I decided to go to Group B because:


    1. I would like a cool present. :P

    2. Who knows. Maybe there's a small glint of hope that someone has the money to get me a MP (doubt it, but it's worth a shot).

    3. I feel bad when I get someone a present that didn't cost much. It makes me feel cheap.

  3. Yeah, we were keeping a close eye. And then they did something that alarmed us. Then we acted.


    And by acting we made tentions worse between us, and we made our reputation worse. Other nations don't think of us as a free country. They think of us as a nation that is abusing the fact that we are the only real superpower in the world.

  4. And yeah, the future president argument is really weak. We're looking at a 1 in 360 or so million chance here. Odds are, they'd be just a normal person.


    Agreed. She says that it could be a future president or future drug addict. Sorry to say this, but the baby would be more very much more likely to be a drug addict than a president.


    Several people have used that arguement, and there's so many flaws in it that I burst out laughing, dispite how rude that is.

  5. No, it was the sparkling stuff, the beige background, and the fact that the Santa looks like clay. And the fact that I like the first one better.


    Hey, a cetain someone was on me before about me not using glitter before. I finally used it. And I can also change said background.


    Santa always looks like clay in Coke ads. :P

  6. Maybe Santa is the odd part. :whistle:


    Can I ask how?


    I understand the whole "not everybody celebrates Christmas" thing, but there is not a single good image where I can say Happy Holidays.


    And I find it funny that you couldn't find a picture of Santa sans Coca-Cola. :P Coke is doing their job, then.



  7. Krawks and Draiks are rare, but I'll take my chances.


    How can I use both for 2 weeks each when there's 3 weeks til Christmas?


    Why is it odd, cause Santa is holding a bottle of Coca-Cola? What's wrong with him drinking soda? :P

  8. Same here. I only have the lab ray on one account. I want to get it on my main account as well, but it's so expensive.


    Maybe I should get the lab pieces. Then make a guinea pig and hope it comes out Draik or Krawk. Or it can't do that?


    I'm not doing Jonas Brothers or Justin Bieber. And probably not the other two.

    I've already got four names I want to use, and jumpingbeans or Jungle Beast again.


    I say do Jungle Beast again.


    Yay decisions! I got 2 siggies made. Choose one:






    PLEASE NOTE: I couldn't find any good images of Santa where he didn't have a bottle of Coke.

  9. Jack Boil

    Jolly Boy

    Justin Bieber

    Jonas Brothers


    Those are some JBs that came off the top of my head.


    I don't want to risk myself with the lab ray. I don't want one of my pets turning into a species that I don't like. That's why I don't even bother to get the pieces.

  10. The PM has been sent.


    I'm in Group B since I have a fair amount of NPs, and I gain NPs rather fast when I work at it.


    If it hasn't been shown several times on TDN, I'm an avvid Hissi fan, and Hissi wearables would be great (male of course). The dream pets I'm aiming towards are a Draik and Krawk. But at over 10 mil NPs each, I know that is a definate no.


    That's really all I can say.

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