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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Do you know what pisses me off?


    People complain on how Xbox has no exclusives other than Halo and Fable, while PS3 has a whole bunch of exclusives. Meanwhile people forget about the Wii since they have even more than the PS3. But that's besides the point.


    Xbox has more than just Halo and Fable. They also have Gears of War and Left 4 Dead. They also had Gran Theft Auto: Episodes of Liberty City, but it's been taken now that the PS3 has it. People still say PS3 is better due to more exclusives. Well, it is starting to look like PS3 is taking all of the exclusives away from the Xbox. I knew it was happening, but I tried to forget about it. Then I wake up to see this:




    And here I am pulling my hair out because the people that gloat about PS3 exclusives are getting Xbox exclusives to boot with it. As if Uncharted isn't freakin enough...

  2. Divide by Disturbed.


    The Catalyst - Linkin Park


    Seriously, why does everyone think their new album's rubbish? I personally LOVE the new sound LP has. It's a shift from their old style for sure but hey, the essence of their music is still there if you ask me.


    /endrant xD


    I also agree. Linkin Park is still experimenting with different sounds. I feel that with this album, they created a new genre. They will call it "LP Rock".


    I'm not going to make a full speech right now though. Too tired.

  3. I wonder if anybody will remember us....


    No they won't. If anybody does, it would be the mods if they have a problem with us and close the topic.


    Is Vince still in HAMS? It was a long time ago when we first invaded JN that Vince joined. I hope this one goes better.


    He's long been gone.

  4. Haha CAV I love that only one of yours was appropriate to post the link for. :laughingsmiley:


    It's because of the strict rules on TDN. Anything that contains even just the slightest amount of blood or suggestive topics gets barred from TDN. So linking them would just create problems.


    I would very much suggest watching those that weren't linked. Especially Stuff Is Messed Up, since it covers a lot of the world's problems, such as terrorism, the media, and such.


    Don't worry, I'll post more appropriate videos along the way.

  5. Bad Romance has the strangest music video ever.


    Here's some of my favorite music videos. There will be some I won't link, mostly because there are things not allowed on TDN:


    Inside the Fire by Disturbed (won't link due to suicide)

    Asylum by Disturbed (won't link due to a moment involving a chainsaw)

    Stuff is Messed Up by The Offpsring (won't link due to suggestive topics throughout)

    The Kids Aren't Alright by The Offspring (minor suggestive thoughts, but nothing that stops it from being linked)

    Why Don't You Get A Job by The Offspring (won't link due to language)

    Holiday by Green Day (won't add due to suggestive themes)


    Will add more later...

  6. Chocolate with Vanilla, always and forever. Either that or chocolate with caramel and wafer (Twix bar).


    I would say chocolate with almond, but I became allergic to nuts at the age of 7.


    But I perfer sour stuff when it comes to candy.

  7. The movies just ruined it. Although I can proudly say that I've watched the whole 1st season twice :P


    Not really. I can say that the movies were the best parts of the anime when it was good. Pokemon the first movie was good, 2000 was the best, Pokemon 3 was alright, 4Ever was good, and Heroes was amazing but lost it's appeal. Jirachi is where things fell apart, and everything died from there, including the anime itself.

  8. Diego isn't as bad as Dora. Then again, Diego has the word "die" in it.....


    It's been a while, and well, LOCATION CHANGE!


    New location is:




    How does heaven work? Well, there are many theories to it. Since I'm an athiest, I don't really believe in heaven, but I'm sure many people do.


    A certain definition of heaven is a place where that is perfect in every way depending on the person. For example, I love video games. So heaven would be a video game planet for me. Someone whom loves books would have a giant library as their heaven, and so on.


    The battlefield will constantly change depending on the person's heaven, sparking a lot of creativity, and allowing people to learn about a person, and then use it as a weapon. Yes, I know I did well (well at least I hope I did).


    To celebrate JB becoming a leader, we shall start in JB's heaven. So JB, what is the thing you love most? Post it here, and the battlefield will become your heaven, and everyone will be surrounded by what you love.


    This should keep everyone busy for a while, in the event that I forget about this thread again.

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