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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Hm. Somehow, all that seems way too expensive to me. (Minus the $15 used console).


    Well it's a legendary console and legendary games. Used games are obviously cheaper. And that $15 console MUST be broken.


    But trust me, that's nothing. A brand new NES is going for $5000.

  2. I just checked Amazon. An unused PS1 is going for $500 USD. A used one is going for $15, but something tells me that at that price, it's broken.


    Spyro 1 is $99 new.


    Spyro 2 is $35.


    Spyro 3 is $69.


    Crash 1 is $87.


    Crash 2 is $60.


    Crash 3 is $40.


    Gran Turismo 1 is $46.


    Gran Turismo 2 is $35.

  3. TNT doesn't care about the customer. They care about saving money, and making money. It's not really surprising because that's how Viacom always acts with anything they own.


    Sorry, but it ain't gonna happen.

  4. I was jealous of my friend's brother because he had a dreamcast. Then we played it and it wasn't that exciting, except he had this arcade game called crazy taxi that I love (it later came out on GameCube, so I have it. :))


    N64 is just plain awesome. I never had a playstation. Sega Genesis brings more nostalgia for me that PS, mostly playing Sonic and Aladdin on my cousin's Genesis. I only own the Nintendo systems.


    I LOVE Crazy Taxi. I got goosebumps when I heard it was being released on XBLA. But people have been saying that it's bad. I have the demo, and it's exactly like the original.


    I had an N64, but I only had 3 games for it: Pokemon Stadium 2, Star Wars Pod Racing, and some racing game that I forgot about. I loved my PS1 far too much to care about the N64. Genesis had Sonic the Hedgehog, the first game I ever played, but PS1 made the game addict you all know as CAV.

  5. Unfortunately, I never got to play Dreamcast. My parents didn't get it for me. But I was more than happy with the Genesis, NES, SNES, N64, and PS1 that happened to be around when I first developed memories.

  6. Let me guess Tyler. The best 64 bit console to you is N64. It isn't to me.


    I still have my PSOne and enjoy hearing that sound when I play my old games. I have fond memories of leaving the television on too loud and being scared silly when I went to turn the PSOne on. It was my first gaming console. Ah. Good times.


    The Spyro series was hands down my favorite. :)


    Same here.


    I loved the Sega Genesis, and it hosts the first games I ever played. But if it wasn't for the PS1, I never would've love gaming the way I do now.


    Spyro, Crash, and Gran Turismo. I loved turning on the games and seeing this:





    and Spyro here.


    The reason I linked Spyro instead of placing the video here is because I can't place more than 2 videos in one post.

  7. But neopets can't die....what would the children think?!


    The kids gotta realize that nobody is immortal. And you can't really mention when the majority of players are 12-15, whom know very well about death.


    I think that the AC thing is not canon to the stroy, but Hanso's remark in the latest puzzle part is, which then creates a plothole on how he knows Noxy is dead?


    There are ways it could be cannon, and ways it can't. With one of Hanso's lines, there's a chance that Nox could be dead.


    But on the other hand, there are 2 animations that show the Faeries as if nothing happened.

  8. ((Please nobody lock this. We are trying to bring this back.))


    CAV attempts to get up, and is successful. Dispite protests, he grabs a desert eagle and a riot shield from the table across, while wondering why those items were placed there at such convinence. He busts the door down and sprints down the hall. All of a sudden he smashes into a figure much like himself. After getting back on his feet, he notices fellow leader Vickels.


    CAV: "Status report."

  9. Yup I'm gonna watch it willingly. I'm kinda like the Angry Video Game Nerd and the Nostalgia Critic, I willingly watch bad movies and play horrible video games just for the sake of reviewing and making fun of them.


    I don't have it on DVD. I rented it from Neflix once, and that's it.


    I'm currently watching it now.

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