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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. I'm going to say what I said in the other topic referring to this:




    Well, I'm pissed. I have had ENOUGH of these god-forsaken happy endings! I'm off to destroy TNT. Who wants to join me?


    I'm done with these plots. I'm finished.

  2. Happy Feet




    NOTE: I'm going to do my best not to make this a bias review, even though Elijah Wood is one of my favorite voice actors, E.G. Daily (whom plays young Mumble) also played Tommy in Rugrats, one of my favorite animated shows, the fact that is somewhat of a musical, which I hate so much, and the fact that penguins are better than polar bears. :P


    First off, let me note that I'm not a fan of musicals. I hate them to be exact. So it's not a surprise that I eventually get sick and tired of all the singing, and the fact that several times the same song is repeated. But once you get over that fact, this is a fantastic movie with amazing voice acting, great animation, and every corny element that makes an animated film fun to watch no matter what age you are.


    I must also mention how they had 2 different messages, and unlike most films, they manage to nail them both, nearly making it an educational film. It makes the the cliche "be yourself and break away from the norm" message, and does best to make it work. But I think the better message is how humans are effecting the ecosystem, when they mention a food shortage, trash in the oceans, and the fact that humans are simply ruining everyone's lives. :P It opens the eyes of many and shows what we are doing to the world and the only animals the reside on the planet. And it drives the plot to new heights.


    Happy Feet contains some of the best animation I've ever seen, and it has the best animation I've ever seen that isn't from Pixar or Dreamworks, besting out even most of their films. At one point in the film, it even uses actual human actors, and mixes them along with the animation seen in the majority of the film, making a sucessful combination.


    Overall, this is a great film that also happens to be a guilty pleasure. It's those kind of movies that you feel like you're suppose to hate when you get older, but you can't help but love. And that is the case for me. It's one of my favorite animated movies, and it would've gotten a higher score if is wasn't for them repeating songs, and relying so much upon them.


    Happy Feet gets a 9/10, the highest score that I have ever given an animated movie.


    It's a shame that Brittany Murphy passed away, and that she cannot reprise her role as Gloria in the sequel which has a release date of November 18th 2011, especially since she did very well as the character. But what makes it worse is the fact that they hired P!nk to replace her, already gives a bad impression in my opinion. Must I also mention that the film is obviously going to be in 3D? I can't wait for the sequel, but at the same time I'm dreading P!nk and Brad Pitt, and I have a feeling that nobody, not Elijah Wood, not Robin Williams, not even Hank Azaria (forgot to mention him) will be able to save us from their almost garenteed horrible voice acting.

  3. Actually, 3 people joined. Skypirate, Yoshi here, and Deadbolt. Or at least that's what I remember.


    Oh! Was I supposed to make it? I thought you guys were...... o_O


    This was your first test.

  4. Spritzie I love your siggy. -nodnod-


    Thank you for the complement *is the one who made it*


    Bugs are gross. :P I wish there was somewhere bug-free to live.


    Thank you :D I've had plenty of cold this winter to rant about. And just think, we sometime get snow into May and June.


    I wish that too. Bugs are a disgrace, and don't deserve to live.


    And the law takes effect again!

  5. I feel as though it was special. And I feel the need to see every eclispe.


    it was raining like crazy last night so I didn't even bother :/

    hope I can see the next one... whenever it is.. T-T


    The next lunar eclispe on the winter solstice isn't until 2094. :(

  6. Guys, there is no debate about iPhone vs. iTouch when the iTouch isn't a smartphone.


    Iphone vs Itouch. Get an Iphone. Same size. same shape. The difference is about a few 100 bucks more but an Iphone can do EVERYTHING an Itouch can and more


    What I said above. There is no debate on that.


    But just to comment on it, iPhone is more expensive, since you pay $25 a month. Therefore, you pay an extra $300 a year, even if you don't download anything. An iTouch doesn't have that, so it's more worth your money in the long run.

  7. Exactly. It's a virtual game. Why not let us get even just the slightest chance of zapping a Krawk/Draik?


    Personally, this whole thing started with people that wanted the avatar. TNT wanted to give a challenge, so they removed any other ways of getting a Krawk/Draik, from zapping one in the rays, or zapping a Krawk petpet in the petpet rays and going to transform it. TNT just wanted to make a challenge, and that harmed those whom want a Krawk/Draik just for the sake of them looking cool.


    Note that it's just a theory. No need to get on my case about it.

  8. he's trying to give us equal power now, but Co attempted that


    Well, we are now at peace, and I have him as an ally.


    Okay but do they have to leave JN to join HAMS?


    I thought we were invading, not recruiting. I need blood! Kill! KILL!


    No. They can manage on both sites. If I can manage being a part of 4 forums, then it won't kill them.


    If you want blood, play Gears of War or Prototype. That's more than enough blood for you.

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