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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. We finally got some decent snow here in New York. I think it's about an inch or two.


    Okay... lots of snow here. I've put the pictures under a spoiler so they don't take up too much room.



    IMG_0028.jpg This is at my family's property in the mountains. (It's near the ski towns, like Breckenridge.)


    PICT0915.jpg This is at a cabin my dad stayed at in Fairbanks, Alaska.


    PICT1353.jpg My dad's rental car in Fairbanks, Alaska. (He had cleared it off completely, only a couple hours earlier.)


    BlizzardSidewalk2.jpg Outside some apartments in Denver, CO after a blizzard a couple years ago.


    DSCF0023.jpg Fairbanks, Alaska


    IMG_0007.jpg My dad's rental car a different year in Fairbanks, Alaska



    I would kill to be there.

  2. Everyone is getting laptops.


    Mine is 3 1/2 years old, and it's very slow now. I have to get it checked. If it can get fixed, then it'll last for another year or two.


    I got 4 games. So did my brother. And then we each got a game to split (WarioWare D.I.Y.) even though we can play each other games, since most of them have multiplayer. I accidentally got a dupe of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and my brother got a dupe of Epic Yarn. We can return them, and get something new. I got $50. And my grandmother will get a check next week, and I'll get more Christmas gifts, along with my birthday and graduation gifts, seeing how I didn't get them yet.

  3. Goldeneye 007

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

    Donkey Kong Country Returns

    The Force Unleashed 2

    A new MP3 Player



    My brother got:


    Kirby Epic Yarn

    Sonic Colors

    Transformers War For Cybertron

    Wii Party

    Bionculars that take pictures


    And we both got Warioware D.I.Y to split.


    I might get Black Ops later on.

  4. And people wonder why I don't bother on the NB....


    I'm really starting to hate TNT, more so than I used to. Send a ticket, but it may take a while. I sent a ticket a month ago, and it has yet to be even noticed, let alone answered.

  5. Merry Chrismtas to those whom celebrate it.


    Happy Boxing Day to the Canidians, the British, the Austrailians, and Austrians if any of them exist here.


    And Happy Kwanzaa if anyone here celebrates it.


    I have yet to open any gifts. I've been up since 6 AM, watching the sunrise.

  6. Wrath of the Snowager is glitching on me, and in a way that is good and bad. When I touch one item, it counts that I got all of them. Therefore, by touching one item for 4 seconds, I just beat the level, and got all the points. I want to reach into the high scores, but I have a feeling that TNT might notice it and accuse me of cheating if I continue. I heard that using a glitch counts as cheating, but I just want to play to beat AAA's score, and play. I do want to get the high score, and I have a chance. What do I do?

  7. I'd like to stress on the point that the Epilogue hasn't been published yet, so we don't know if they will open the door for a sequel or not.


    I hope that they don't pull a sequel, because then it's just overkill. The plot sucked as it is. We don't need a half-baked sequel to go with it.

  8. I'm really sad about Favre retiring. I hope he keeps playing. Now that Kurt retired, he's my favourite active Qb.


    Favre needs to retire. He's past his prime, and I'm sick and tired of him saying that he's going to retire, then he joins a new team right afterwards. He's a legend, but he's getting old, and what happened a few days ago was proof of it.

  9. Not even Blue. I wish FL crashed and remained that way. Xandra can be turned into stone, whatever, but at the very least make it a bittersweet ending if not a negative one.


    Well, I'm glad that Faerieland is back, and the design is cool, but the Faeries forgot to put a statue, or a monument for Hanso. I mean, he DID save them and everything. :yes:


    And that makes the Faeries ungreatful sods, further proving Xandra's point, and making me wish even more that FL crashed into the ground, and stood that way.


    I don't know anymore. I'm done with plots. I resume being a part of them when TNT thinks for a moment and notes that little kids aren't the only ones on the site, and that we don't want to see a happy ending.

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