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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Mario though, even though it is a decent game (I prefer the early games tbh) they have the same story in every single game. Princess got captured and in most games there are 8 worlds each with its own boss, and once you start playing, you know, there won't be no story twists, friendlies become foes etc. You basically go through the worlds to rescue the princess.


    People enjoy the games because its Mario which means good gameplay. But to be Game of the year, you need good gameplay, good story, good graphics etc.


    But after looking at the choices more, my bet to win it would be "Heavy Rain". Never played this game but it has a great combination of all 3.


    Mario has never been about a story. Neither has Pokemon and a good share of other Nintendo games. A game that has a great story but weak gameplay falls short. Gameplay is the biggest aspect of a video game (other than being able to play the game period). Graphics don't matter THAT much. Story is great and all and really helps, but once again, it doesn't help much when gameplay is crappy.


    And for one thing, Super Meat Boy is the same thing as Mario: the girl is kidnapped, go save her. And it's been critically acclaimed, and in some places also has been nominated for Game of the Year.


    These are my opinions here, based on games that I actually played:


    Story wise: Mass Effect 2, Heavy Rain, and Alan Wake.


    Gameplay wise: Galaxy 2, Mass Effect 2, Pac Man Championship DX, and Super Meat Boy.


    Graphics wise: Galaxy 2, Epic Yarn, Halo Reach, and Black Ops.


    It would be great if Pac Man Championship DX won Game of the Year, seeing that it's been nominated in some places. It would be a giant slap in the face to the FPS juggernauts like Halo and CoD. It would be a great sign to show that Pac Man is still alive and kicking.


    Another game that I think could've had a nomination is Space Invaders: Infinite Gene. I loved how in the beginning it said "The King of Games Strikes Back". And it's an adreadaline rush with gameplay that changes every time, while still hanging into the roots of the original classic.

  2. Sorry for the sudden poofing. I was on Darkspyro.


    The tactical nuke think made me lol. xD


    You and CAV need to meet around New Years then.

    I don't care who, I just want SOMEONE from the trios to meet already. Then we can begin plotting. Then i'll know atleast 2 of you aren't creepers. :P Just cause we say we should all the time but never do.


    Why is the tactical nuke THAT funny? I got that from CoD. Even though I heard the term prior, I didn't really use it until then.


    Meeting on New Years is a thought, but it's highly unlikely. Not with that crowd. It's so much of a crowd, that some people actually camp out to get a good spot.


    Your best odds of meeting me is to come here to NY. Then I'll hold up a sign that says "Ryan AKA Super Squirrel", and I'll put my cap on the ground. Hopefully nobody thinks I'm a hobo, but if they do I'll have the hat out so they can give me money.


    Fraid not, you can stab CAV all you want though. -nodnod-


    What did I miss??

  3. Glad to be of service Quark.


    I once fell asleep watching Youtube videos. I had it on a playlist. A loud noise happened in one of the videos and I woke up and karate chopped the wall for some apparent reason.

  4. Please. I feel as though the PS1 would have a good chance.


    You are aware that Red Dead Redemption, Halo: Reach, Mass Effect 2 and basically any other nominee for Game of the Year, are sequels? It was the same thing last year, the year before, etc.


    Halo 3 also was done before. In fact, it was highly overrated and I don't like it. But look at all the critical acclaim it got. Galaxy 2 did something different in each world, and it had you spending hours to get all the stars, including those blasted comets. Halo did the same thing over and over and over and over, to the point that it's just plain boring.


    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if they give a game a perfect score, and it's the ONLY game to get a perfect score throughout the whole year, and you don't nominate it for game of the year, kinda makes you a hypocrite. Don't give a game a perfect score if you aren't even going to give it a thought for game of the year.


    And once again, I have no problem with Red Dead Redemption winning. I cannot play the game since I'm barred from GTA and any game related to it (I have a protective father). I don't mind it if Galaxy 2 doesn't win game of the year, especially when it will win it from several different places. But with all the acclaim it's got, and the fact that it has the highest average score of all time (tied with GTA 4), it should at the very least get the nomination.

  5. America killed thousands by atomic bombing. Japan killed millions when they invaded China. And Nazi Germany killed 12 million in the Holocaust. WWII was a bloodbath, and has the most total deaths of all time.


    WWI has the most military deaths of all time, due to new technology, including the introduction of tanks, planes, and the infamous mustard gas.

  6. Haha, this is true. But I think I visit enough to get an "honorary member" badge.


    Mostly, I was just thinking of my aunt from Florida. We took her to Times Square recently and I have never seen anyone walk SO SLOW before, creating foot traffic jams every five seconds. She constantly kept shouting, "ONLY IN THE BIG APPLE" and "Oh I hope no terror attacks happen!"

    It was terribly uncomfortable!


    Nah, you would just get the Experienced Tourist Package, which earns you a bit more respect.


    She's stereotypical. But it's true about the foot traffic jams. If I had a nickel for every time I missed the train because someone ahead of me was walking too slow.


    For some reason there are some New Yorkers that hate the name "Big Apple". Don't ask me why.


    And I gotta wonder how many people she pissed off about the terror attacks. Odds are that at least someone was near her that actually lost someone on that day.


    And what if attacks happened in Florida? She wouldn't like it if I was visiting and I said "My god, I hope nobody gives us the tactical nuke!"

  7. But since you live in NJ, you are a tourist. A tourist is anyone that visits the city that doesn't live in it.


    I only hate the tourists when they refer to us as "Lousy, rude, disgusting New Yorkers" or anything that involves a New Yorker stereotype. If they are confused, I don't blame them too much since it's a huge city.


    It's true. Fortunately, they removed most of the streets in Times Square, so people can have some more walking room, and so people can actually take a chair and watch the news on one of the giant screens above.


    I remember when Ozzy Osbourne performed in Times Square on top of the Hard Rock Cafe during the launch of a Madden NFL game. I forgot which one, I think Madden 07. My little brother nearly got lost in the crowd.

  8. It's not really off topic when it's talking about the history of several countries, mainly Japan and the US.


    The Japanese did a great deal of highly atrocious things (and to civilians, mind you) prior to that in the war.


    Indeed. Ryan, I must note that the Japanese killed millions of innocent Chinese civilians years prior to the atomic bombing.

  9. I think it was FDR that told them it was okay.

    If it wasn't though, then i'm glad, because then any respect for him isnt diminished.


    This is how it went:


    Albert Einstein (whom is German might I add) thought up the famous equation E=MC2, which predicted that a huge amount of energy would be released if matter were converted into energy. In a paper he wrote, he mentioned that this could be explored by studying radioactive elements.


    Leo Szilard and a couple of others started the Manhattan Project, which helped create the atomic bomb. FDR gave them the ok to continue this project. When it was finished, FDR would decide if Japan needed to be bombed, and he didn't know what to do. But before he could choose, he died, and his Vice President, Harry S. Truman, took office and was left with the big decision. Just like FDR, he didn't know what to do, but he didn't have many options. And he decided to go ahead with the plan.


    My 8th grade History class discussed this, and our teacher had us split up in groups and decide on if we would bomb Japan. We were put in Truman's shoes, and it was in fact a hard decision. Eventually though, every group decided to bomb Japan. Our teacher then showed us pictures of the aftermath, and we realized what we just did. But just like Truman and FDR, we didn't have many more options. It was either bomb them, or continue worthless fighting that had no end in sight.

  10. Everybody hates the Wii. But yet they praise the NES. Does anybody realize that both were made by the same company???


    IGN listed the Wii as the 12th best console of all time. That's higher than the PS3, but just a few spots short from the 360. So why is everyone treating it like crap?

  11. Bad, bad Ryan!


    *Start rant mode*


    Yeah, we get a 2-week February break because Halifax is hosting the Canadian Winter games, and we get those weeks off to 'watch the games' supposedly, even though half of us are going on vacation.


    *End rant mode*


    I would actually watch the games...

  12. Shaddup JB.


    well you probably get back a lot later


    Nope. I would get out on the 3rd.


    I hated 5th grade. Alot. Like, legit.


    5th grade was the best year of my life. 4th grade, now that was crappy. But nowadays it doesn't hold a candle to right now.

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