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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Jesus......I keep forgetting.


    Well, since Tyler isn't here today, we'll move tomorrow (I swear, we will do it this time). As for time, JB will create the topic as soon as he can. From there, you can arrive at any time. This is his first test.

  2. I stood up til 2:30 AM to see the eclipse (dispite my father's wishes). I couldn't see it through a window, so I had to go onto the roof, which was rather dangerous since you never know who could be up there. I caught it when just a trickle of white was beginning to appear. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay any longer, and I had to go downstairs. I took a picture with my phone, but it's crappy so forget about it.

  3. I'm totally excited for this one, as it's on my birthday, which clearly means it is happening specifically for me.


    It's also on my brother's birthday.


    Ah, the budding young astronomer, her telescope, a sky full of clouds and the coldest porch in the land.

    Who will reign victorious over the night?


    I.............won't. I'll have to see it with the naked eye.


    The other young astronomer, a partly cloudy sky, cold temperatures and wind chills, standing on the rooftop of an apartment in an urban city, with nothing but his glasses. I'm very handicapped in this. :P

  4. Pigeons aren't very interesting. The most captivating thing about them is the various colors that you can find on their neck (usually purple or teal), kinda like graphitti.


    Other than that, there isn't much. Since NY is mostly concrete and has nearly no woodland or such, you can't find many animals. Heading towards NJ though are a fair amount of deer.

  5. It's somewhat cloudy here, but odds are I'll be able to see it at some point. I completely forgot about this. Thanks for reminding me.


    Now if only I can get my telescope to work.....


    Quick note though, there is no normal eclipse. There is a lunar eclipse, and a solar eclipse.

  6. I don't have a smartphone, so I have no complete opinion on this subject. I feel as though the iPhone would be best suited for me though. But I do feel the need to reply to this:


    iPhone vs iPod touch


    iTouch is not a smartphone. It is what it's called, an iPod with a touch screen. And there can't really be a fight about two products that are made by the same company.


    And in all honesty, smartphones are not a debate, let alone the biggest of them all. Smartphones are chosen depending on what fits the person best. If someone is more used to the Droid than they are with the iPhone, then let them use the Droid. There is no debate here. The debate would be on which is the best phone service, and even still it all depends on the coverage they have in your area.


    And I still find it strange that WWE's newest stable named themselves Nexus, especially not long after the release of the Nexus One phone...

  7. Has anyone played PokePark on the Wii? I'm thinking of getting it for my friends for Christmas.


    My brother wanted to get it, but he changed his mind, and decided to rent it due to the mixed reviews it's been getting. It looks like an updated Pokemon Channel to me. And that's the problem. Pokemon Channel was fun when I was younger, but it's boring now. I feel that Pokepark would suffer the same fate if I was to play it.

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