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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. It was? Oh, well same thing. They're both pop-stars that only have maybe one or two good songs. -shrug-


    The only good song I see from Rihanna is Love the Way You Lie, and it's not even really her song (it's Eminem's).


    Beyonce has NO good songs.

  2. Skip to 0:44.

    Ryan, it was Beyonce, not Rihanna.

    No, I still had 2 days left when it started. :P

    ME! I've always wanted to go to Times Sqaure for New Years eve.

    Big deal.

    Don't. It's wayyyyyyyy too crowded. You'll get trampled.
  3. But actually, most of 'em were from the All-star club. ;) -pokes Allstar sheild.-


    We should. I still support the AC thing.


    Shaddup. You were out of school when it started, while I wasn't. You had a headstart.


    We gotta find a way to do a podcast. Not recorded voices, because I want to be able to interrupt you guys. :P WHO WANTS TO TRAVEL TO NY!?

  4. I'm pissed. So very pissed.


    I just saw the results of the Spike VGAs. I don't mind that Red Dead Redemption won Game of the Year. What I do care about is that Super Mario Galaxy 2 didn't even get nominated. This is a game that every critic is praising, usually more so than Red Dead Redemption. The lowest score it got was a 9.25/10 from Game Informer. And it has a Metacritic score of 97, tied with Gran Theft Auto 4 for the highest reviewed game of all time, or at least this generation. And it doesn't even get a simple nomination? The only thing it was nominated for was Wii game of the year, and it was obvious that it would win.


    Then again, they did the same thing last year, and again 3 years ago. It makes you wonder if these guys even play video games.


    If you noticed, a Wii game is never nominated for game of the year, not just from Spike, but from several places. It's almost as if no matter how good the game is, it's automatically disqualified just because it's a Wii game.


    X-Play did the same. Even though they gave Galaxy 2 a perfect score, it didn't get nominated for Game of the Year. Mass Effect 2 was the winner however, so it isn't a TOTAL loss.


    However, Gamespot DID nominate it for Game of the Year. They have also opened the polls for the Best of 2010 Awards. Obviously, I voted for Galaxy 2. Go vote now!

  5. Ever since we learned about WW2 in history I haven't really liked America all that much.

    We dropped atomic bombs on major cities to end the conflict. Not cool.


    That's true, but at the same time if we didn't, fighting would've continued and even more lives would've been lost. Truman didn't really have a choice.

  6. Sorry CAV, but being TDN's biggest AC addict, you end up being quite busy. -looks at phone- See, 944 missed calls. -hides fact that I actually no one has called me in three days-


    Me and CAV need a radio show.

    We could be like...







    Sorry Ryan, I real happy for ya, and I'mma let you finish, but all those calls were from me bragging about my scores!


    Nah, I'll just be bragging in your face about stuff if we had a radio show. But we should try it....

  7. Run a scan with your anti-virus program. Maybe it could track the source.


    DO NOT USE INTERNET EXPLORER IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE! I do love Microsoft stuff, but there are many, many, MANY security loopholes and weaknesses in Internet Explorer.... it's even worse if you have an older version of Internet Explorer (e.g. IE 6 or 7).


    I must be lucky again. I use IE all my life, and I continue to use it now. Never had a virus or any such problem.

  8. "The internal battery has run dry. This means that time-based events will no longer occur."

    What is this supposed to mean?


    Time based events will not occur. Basically, your game is slowly breaking, because that happened to me, and in a few months, my game wasn't working.


    Obviously, that's just a guess.


    EDIT: I didn't notice the post above. :P

  9. Honestly, it might be worth it. The chances if you zapping a Draik/Krawk are slim but the chances if you zapping a pet to TRADE for one is considerably higher :)


    I'll save for it, but after the dream contest, just in case I win (yeah right).

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