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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. This is insane. I'm entering right away, but first I gotta decide on color....and I must also make a guinea pig.


    I don't care if I win or not. I might be a bit disappointed, but at least I know I entered. I'm always more upset when I didn't.

  2. Well that depends if people are ignorant enough to buy into your higher price.


    I wish I could say yes, but for the most part the answer is no. Nobody would buy it. If you sold it for exact price or slightly lower, then you're set.

  3. I disagree. There are "name your price" items out there because they are retired and gone with so few left.


    Yeah, but the actual value is 800 mil. It's still way too much. By the end of next year, the Super Attack Pea will be the first item to ever have a value of 1 billion or more.

  4. Ah... Counter-Strike. I remember playing that in IT class during my foundation year. Good times, good times. xD


    My best friend loves that game, and suggests that I play it.


    But for now I'm more than satisfied with CoD.

  5. I already know how this is going to end. And when it happens I am going to storm TNT HQ and ram their heads into the ground.


    I wish stephie was here...she loved Monkey Island and TNT sure knew how to put a reference on that game in this plot xD


    Agreed. She was a pretty cool person.

  6. Yeah, they didn't even seem to try with this issue of the story. The artwork is nice, but the actual bit of story *yawn*


    As for the Step, I think I'll sit back and wait for the clever people to figure out the Fearless Deeds, because I'm just not good at methodical.


    The artwork is fantastic as always. But storytelling is the most important part of a story (obviously), and the storytelling is a piece of crap. They're pulling out all the archetypes of storytelling here.


    I have yet to beat the puzzle at all yet, mostly because I just started.

  7. SOMETHING is being censored and I don't know what! >.<


    *edit: OK. Now I can't send it because it says you don't have parental permission to play the site o.0


    Just send him the PM via TDN. That's what I did.


    And it says that because he's under 13, so he can't recieve Neomail.

  8. I dunno. 8K is auto but you can offer something reasonably lower. The cap cost about 5K and the bg costed about 3K. The jelly and the snowballs were free anyways :P


    I'll offer 7k eventually. I don't have a lot since most of my NPs will be going to whomever I get for the Secret Santa.


    6000th post (yeah I'm still keeping track of these things :P)

  9. It doesn't have a solid base, but there are areas where you can find that kinda thing.


    IMO, we're the nossy jerks of the world, and we refuse to leave people alone unless they work the way we want them to. If they are causing actual trouble, then get involved. But if they are trying to grab attention, then leave them be, because by getting invovled, you are giving them that attention, and they'll be bound to do it again.

  10. And if your neighborhood is a more shady one, buy a security system.


    I always wondered that. If you have the thousands of dollars to get a gun, then that means you have much more than enough for a security system, which is a lot more effective.

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