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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Although I do think the only memorable part of the first season of English Pokemon was the theme song. People still sing it today.


    If Smosh never lip synched that theme song, they never would've made it to the fame they have today. And to celebrate the 5th aniversary of it, they remade the theme song with different lyrics. You should see it (can't link here due to language).


    But the show did have some appeal compared to the newer seasons. And the original was able to attract the kids to Pokemon, me included, even though I didn't play the games until the 3rd gen. The new seasons can't do that. My little brother watched one of the seasons of the Diamond/Pearl part of the series. He never got into it. It wasn't until he tried Soul Silver did he get interested in Pokemon.


    But he did like some of the movies.

  2. Grew up with video games. Grew up playing Pacman, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Gran Turismo. I loved those games, and the recent release of Gran Turismo 5 might actually make me get a PS3.


    gamespot sucks. let's leave it that. they gave Twilight Princess and 8.5 and RADIANT DAWN A FREAKING 6. it's my least favorite video game site, just beating 1up


    This is how I feel:


    Best: IGN and Nintendo Power.


    Worst: Game Informer and 1UP.


    Gamespot is in the middle, because sometimes they get the right rating, and sometimes they're an idiot and give a good game a bad rating. Or they overhype a game, like Uncharted 2. But I am happy that they gave Galaxy 2 a perfect 10.


    I hate Game Informer because they give good games bad reviews all the time. They gave Galaxy 2 a 9.25/10. That's great, but lower than the first, and they gave it that rating simply because it gets too hard for them at times. Bullcrap. I played the game, beat it, and it wasn't very hard. Game Informer is one of the only 3 reviewers to NOT give Galaxy 2 a perfect 10.


    Must I also mention that they gave Goldeneye 007 a 6.5/10? Game Informer is the only reviewer to give it a bad review.


    That's what's so funny. "Epic" seems to be a favorite word nowaways and we were in Game Stop and they had an ad for it on the TV, and I told my husband they were making Mickey sound all epic. (I never use the word epic.) Not 5 seconds later, they said it was called Epic Mickey. I was highly amused. :laughingsmiley:


    Epic Mickey was originally going to be about one of Walt Disney's incomplete works. He would think about what would happen if Mickey killed himself. That was going to be the original Epic Mickey, about how he committed suiside and what would happen to the world of Disney. He would be a battered corpse, and it would be a horror game. But they binned that in favor of the current game.

  3. Read about Kirby, then try one of it's games. You won't regret it.


    Epic Mickey looks epic, but reviews are all over the dang place. Xplay gives it a perfect 5/5, then Gamespot gives it a 6/10. You have no idea who to listen to. So I'm just going to rent it.

  4. at least one of the Mario Galaxies (I haven't played either).


    Get Galaxy 2. It's better than the first.


    I've heard it so many times today, I have to ask... what is Kirby's Epic Yarn?


    Well, you should know about Kirby (the super tough pink puff, like they said in the ads). Epic Yarn is his new adventure, where Kirby is now a ball of yarn.


    More info here.

  5. Last night I watched The Longest Yard. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. :D


    Which one? The 70s version or the 2005 remake with Adam Sandler. I like the remake more.


    but i'm so looking forward to Tangled haha!


    To me Tangled looks like Disney's sad attempt at Dreamworks' comedy. It's going to suck.

  6. Well it's actually pretty obvious that it's an opinion. And many people share that same opinion.


    Then again, it's also your opinion that we should act the way we acted with NK. There is no proven fact here. So for you it is also a "basic assumption" if you would call it that.

  7. I'm going to point out that the dub (note: Pokemon was origionally dubbed by 4kids) gave it the motto. Which they dropped pretty quick. The orig never said such a silly thing.


    Yes, but even the original is still bad. Ash and Pikachu are there too. :P

  8. hmm, do I want Goldeneye, or Sonic Colors

    decisions decisions


    I was going to ask for Sonic Colors, but my brother wanted it so I let him put it on his Christmas list. Same with Kirby Epic Yarn.


    It is actually a hard choice to make. Both games got rather good reviews, although I think Goldeneye got better reviews than Sonic Colors...

  9. Heck, I even saw this company with this ad: "Buy a used truck: get a FREE Ak47" This has been up for a few weeks now. I read more into it and saw that you have to have a background check etc before you get free, but AK47 aren't protection weapons, they are killing weapons.


    That is just sad. To bribe people with a gun that is purely for MILITARY USE just so you can buy a USED truck.


    But you also make good points. No matter how many times we ban guns, someone will always get a hold of one.

  10. The gold classic controller is pretty awesome though. I still have my GameCube and 3 controllers, so I'm not worried about that.


    I actually still have my Gamecube plugged in, and I still play it regularly since I don't like playing GC games on the Wii. I still have a working controller, but yet I still want to get a Classic controller, especially that gold one.

  11. I'm glad they redesigned the box for Goldeneye, from how the N64 box was.




    They're right. I can't unsee it.


    I never unsaw it either. But at the same time that could easily be his finger that looks like an extension of his face.


    But regardless, the new case looks better anyway.

  12. Faint by Linkin Park.


    Hah, I went to listen to that and was all like "zomg song from Burnout!", I never knew it by name. They need to make a new Burnout game...


    I didn't know it was from Burnout. I only have Burnout Paradise so that might explain it.


    And the people that make Burnout also made Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. Since they made Burnout, the also made it that Hot Pursuit plays a lot like Burnout, so it works rather well. You should try it.

  13. My brother really wanted the skin. I tried to stop him, but he didn't want to hear it. Whatever.


    @Spritzie My father hates the Red Mario Wii. I just have the plain white one.


    I need to get a classic controller for the Wii. I figured that I would need to get it sooner or later, so I figured to get it now. Fortunately, the Wii remake of Goldeneye 007 has a bundle that comes with a gold classic controller.




    The game and controller are selling for $50 on Amazon. That's the price of the game alone, so it's a great deal! It's on my Christmas list.

  14. My house is a mix of flooring. My dad's room, living room, and back room have carpet. The bathroom and kitchen have tiles. And my room has a nice wood polish.


    We're getting tile done in half of our house the 13th. My dad says they won't be done in enough time for us to put out our Tree. :(


    That sucks. Ask your father if you can delay the tile work.


    I am intrigued by the 3DS though, I'll likely want to replace my DS Lite with it at some point. I got my husband a DSi when they first came out and felt completely gipped at my lack of all the awesome features it has, so I think I'm due something cool and new :D


    I remember when I had the old bulky DS. My brother got the special Pokemond Diamond/Pearl DS Lite. I didn't feel too bad, since I still had a working DS. I traded it in so I can upgrade to the DSi. And my uncle got us both the DSi XL to share. Now I'll be upgrading to the 3DS when it arrives.




    This is what my brother has. It looks great, but he covered it with a green lightning skin.

  15. Until recently, I didn't even realize there was an anime for it. I didn't here about anything Pokemon for awhile. But I never gave it much thought before. Now that I've started playing it, I pay more attention. That's why I can't wait to get a DS so I can play the newer games.


    Well, the anime started after the trading card game did, which was about 2 years(?) after the first games.


    Yeah, I never cared for Ash in the first place, he was a do-gooder brat. Pikachu I can deal with, but you're right, after, what is it? 11? 12 years? of watching Ash and Pikachu prance around winning and learning important lessons about learning important lessons, it's...pretty old.


    Not to mention that he fails to follow the original Pokemon motto "Gotta Catch em All". He only gets about 4 pokemon each season, and lets every other one go free. No wonder they dropped that motto. <_<


    Pretend Pokemon is real. If you run into a pokemon that is huge and very rare and can actually talk to you (For the most part I'm talking about Lugia), what are you going to do? Help it with it's problem and let it go free? Or are you going to try and catch it? I don't know about you, but I will try to catch it.

  16. I think 3D is being overdone in movies. Nobody dared to touch it. Avatar does it, and now look at how many 3D movies there are.


    It all comes down to MONEY. Some places and things do 3D to the point that they don't deserve my money (Alpha and Omega, 3D TVs, Tangled). Other things do 3D to the point that I DO want to spend my money on it (3DS, How To Train Your Dragon, Avatar).


    3D is cool for me, but I don't like the reason why every movie business jumped on it. It's not because they want to entertain people; it's just because they want more green paper.


    EDIT: Ninja'd by Doc. Why can't you get a tree?

  17. Not even that. I'm just sick and tired of Ash and Pikachu. Why not a different character and a different main pokemon for a change?


    The show died after Master Quest. The last decent movie was Pokemon Heroes. And nowadays the only reason I like that movie is because Latios and Latias are two of my favorite pokemon.

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