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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. 34 degrees tonight.


    Just got back from FINALLY seeing Deathly Hallows.


    Oh, and this:


    This is perfectly acceptable; however, you guys can run it. I've spoken with Anime and she's already run two here on the forums and her head still hurts from previous years.


    We will allow it, but someone else is running it.


    If you have any other questions, lemme know.


    But what does he mean by "someone else is running it"? I was hoping that this means JB is given full ability to run it. I asked him this. Once again waiting his response.

  2. Umm.. No. No abortion. Its killing babies. Could be a future president, maybe a future druggie, but who's to say? is that your right? To take any human being from the world? It doesn't matter if they can feel it. The world may pay for it later. The world needs all the minds it can get.


    The world needs all the minds that it can get? 6 billion minds aren't enough? People are complaining about overpopulation as it is.


    And what if the baby will be born with a fatal infection that will kill it and the mother hours after it's born? You are better off with abortion.

  3. And I don't know your age, but it's scientific fact that teens go to bed later and get up later than adults.


    Strange. I would be going to bed later than my father if he didn't demand me to sleep earlier, but on weekends I tend to sleep at the same time as my father (around 2 AM). And I always get up earlier than anyone in my house. By the time my father or brother are awake, I've already been roaming the house for a while. So I kinda break that fact. And if someone breaks a fact, then it's not really a fact. It's more of an assumption or a hypothesis.

  4. Happy endings are alright, but they are used all the time. It's time we get an unfortunate ending for once. I write from time to time, and I usually have sad endings to show that not everybody gets the happy ending that has been done several times before.


    And isn't Faerieland destroyed?

  5. Hanso tricks Xandra, then everyone congratulates Hanso, Brynn announces her love for Hanso, and the story ends happily ever after.


    You forgot a piece:


    And then several people whom were tired of happy endings go into a riot, and CAV leads them as they storm through TNT HQ demanding that they try a different kind of ending for a change.

  6. The store didn't have any chloroform. Not to mention I don't know where you live. So instead, I'll hit you with advice.


    I tend to get sleeping problems too once in a while. I would suggest asking your doctor about sleeping pills if this is a constant problem. If it isn't, then you had a sleepless night. It's not something to kill over.


    And congrats on winning the jackpot.

  7. :whistle: Well, we have a hundred pages, who cares what they say. HAMS is doing well!


    They all said that HAMS was dying. They said that we wouldn't last 4 months. They said that meepits weren't cool. They said that our win against Co was a fluke. We proved them wrong. 100 pages and we're still alive and kicking.

  8. In Neo, I would love a Krawk or Draik MP for Christmas. But that's way too expensive. Which is why any Hissi wearable would do just fine, particularly the Hissi Swordsman Jacket.


    And snow? :laughingsmiley: If we get half an inch of snow the school board freaks out and cancels school.


    You're lucky. Bloomberg is one tough son of a, well you know. But he just about never cancels school for snow. Only when it's very deep and very heavy snowfall. Then we get our day off. We were lucky that we had deep snow last year and school was cancelled. Then at 6 AM about 2 weeks later, snow was falling hard, and he cancelled school. A couple of hours later, the snow stopped, and he cancelled school for no reason.

  9. Well, NY is infamous for that wind chill. It always makes things colder than they should be. Fortunately, I got used to it.


    We barely get snow, but we get a lot of piercing cold that feels like daggers, and give you the sensation of hot AND cold at the same time.


    Gotta go to bed for some reason. Don't know why I can't be up later...

  10. Um, not sure. It's 36 degrees right now, and wind chill makes it feel like 27. I can hardly tell because my radiator is on to the point that it's hot in my room. My radiator is either way too hot, or not on at all, and at all the most inconvienient moments.


    Anyway, let me check......uh.....it doesn't say....

  11. You said that people who have sex when they are not in love are heartless - nothing about prostitution. Secondly, being a prostitute doesn't mean you're automatically heartless. o_O And again, having sex without loving the person does not make you heartless.


    This is so ridiculous.


    Sure, you are totally entitled to think all prostitutes are heartless, that is your opinion, but please stop stating how you feel as a fact. Because it's not and is nothing more than a personal opinion.


    Last I checked, Prostitution was to gain money. Yes, I do find that loveless. This is in fact my opinion. I never said it was fact.


    And I don't appriciate you saying that my opinion is ridiculous. You wouldn't like it, so what makes you think that I would?

  12. And I don't agree that the faeries are these snobby, giggly queens that Xandra makes them out to be - that they don't care about the 'common' Neopets and thinks themselves above all others. I'd hear from them first.


    Then why did they never really care for the Neopets? I want you to name a time where the Faeries have done something for the Neopets' benifit. And no, the Healing Springs and such don't really count.

  13. Xandra makes very valid points, that not only point out the flaws of the Faeries, but also points out the flaws of religon in some ways.


    The Faeries do in fact have all this power, but never did anything to help the Neopets. Kinda like "God". He has ultimate power, but does nothing to help those whom pray to Him. It seems as though TNT is dragging in religon to the story. And Xandra is also right that NEOpia should be run by NEOpets.


    And at the same time, it also shows that the Faeries could also be somewhat like queens. They don't care for the lesser people, and completely wish to avoid having a "lesser person" take control of Neopia, and will do whatever it takes to prevent it. It IS in fact like a slap in the face, and I would have the same approach as Xandra at this point. This is why she's my favorite in the plot: You can relate to her. That you tried so hard to be like the others, and they don't fully accept you or realize your full potential. Also because she wants to take down Faerieland, which is nice too.


    And I hope Hanso is in fact siding with Xandra for the reasons he stated. If he was to mess up her plans, it would mess up the plot for me, and would be a major disappointment.


    So I understand where Xandra is coming from, and I side with her.

  14. Ok, I'm sold. This is the best plot I've ever been a part of, especially if it ends the way I want it to.


    Xandra makes very valid points regarding the Faeries in this chapter, and wholeheartedly agree that Neopets should rule Neopia. I mean, it's NEOpia, and it should be run by NEOpets.

  15. Okay, I'm back, and I was thinking of the same thing as CAV. If somebody has enough Neopoints, let them get a PB.

    So, as soon as we get the OK from TJ, I'm going to make the topic. Post in it if your entering, and then post also what you'd like. and CAV, if you haven't Pmed TJ yet, I'll do it myself. Though one quick question. Which one's TJ?


    Something tells me that TJ will make the topic himself. If not, then yes, you make it. It was your idea.


    I'll PM him now. And for future reference, TJ is Superfly.

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