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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Sounds kinda menacing, eh? It's like "STAY ACTIVE...OR ELSE" lol :P


    If I wanted to be menacing, I would've said exactly that.


    The snack table is to the left so help yourself, but beware of meepits to the right....or have I got that the wrong way around!?


    If you don't want the meepits to attack, join HAMS. All meepits found on TDN are a part of the Meepit Sector of the HAMS army. The are very well domesticated and do not attack allies. ;)

  2. People have the right to believe what the want. And that's what it is, a belief. It means it's what we think, not what is fact. If I think religon is bullcrap, then I shall believe that. If someone believes that a donkey created the earth (don't know why, but just roll with it), then let him.


    But the topic isn't religon. If possible, I'll make a debate about that later.

  3. Y'know apparently many Catholics think it's a sin to use contraceptives? I dunno, just thought about that when I read Seliphra's post about them being against God.

    And CAV is right about that. Does seem a bit contradictory, no? :laughingsmiley:


    Exactly. The Catholic Bible is filled with so many holes that the whole thing becomes a book of lies. It's one of the reasons I turned athiest.


    It was a method of control, he was an abuser and that was his form of abuse. She managed to leave him eventually but unfortunately when she tried to have a child with her second husband she kept miscarrying because her womb had been ruined.


    That's just terrible. :(

  4. Is anyone else getting tired of Brett Favre...? He needs to retire! ^_^


    I am. But I don't think he NEEDS to retire. I think that if he says he's going to retire, then he BETTER RETIRE. Not pull a fast one and sign with a team.


    It was one thing when he did it the first time.


    It was a bit annoying when he did it and joined the Jets. I was excited to see him on the Jets, but I noticed that he was past his prime.


    Now I'm just fed up with his crap when he "retired" and joined the Vikings.


    Either retire or don't. Don't fake it. If you say you are going to retire, than actually retire.

  5. In the secret board that you don't know about, I mentioned this. I also dared Will/Livvy to find 15 people that would fly/drive/bike/etc to NY to stop me in the event that I think of killing myself. Will, Livvy and Myles makes 3. 12 are left.


    And I want people to be 150% honest with me. I don't want to you to say you care when you really don't. I want people to say the truth, not what I want to hear.

  6. I also suck at restocking. I never got the hang of it, dispite TDN's guides. One of you have to fly to NY and teach my personally.


    And to one day stop me from killing myself in the event that things get really bad.

  7. I agree with you there. We shouldn't try to force our lifestyle and government on everyone else. If a country wants to be communist, what are we to say about it? It's not our choice.


    However, the person/nation shouldn't attack in retaliation in the scale that Al Qaeda did.


    And yes, war is inevitable. NK was to be the center of attention, and they'll go to war just to get that attention. If we can launch NK to another Galaxy, then they can do what they want. We wouldn't have to worry. But we can't do that, so there's nothing we can really do.

  8. You should just sell it at your store. You'll probably get a sale faster since the paint brush costs less than 99k at the moment.


    They've always sold under 99k. That's what sucks. Not a lot of profit...

  9. I had a Baby PB to sell for 600k. I misread the deal and someone got it for 600 NPs. I reported it, but I don't know if TNT ever caught them.


    Fortunately, Ryan donated 600k for me, as this was when I was saving for a Darigan PB. Also because he's awesome like that.


    Sorry Livvy, but people do it all the time. Not to mention it's not really scamming when I'm selling for normal price.

  10. Did you sell it yet? I don't see any paintbrushes in your shop.


    No. I always use the trading post. But it expired. I will put it back up soon.


    But even newbies can check prices. :P


    Not all of them.

  11. I just wanted to say that I am deeply disappointed in humanity, or lack thereof.

    I would say a lot more but that's all I'm going to say.


    It's not like this is a genocide. I'm saddened by the greed of humanity, but abortion is an option that is the woman's choice. Why you are disappointed in humanity is beyond me. Please explain so I can have a clearer view.


    My mother knew a woman who's husband refused to wear a condom because birth control went "against God" then forced her to have an abortion if she got pregnant. I don't think limiting the number you can have is feesable simply because women will do what they have to if it is outlawed.


    This man contradicted himself. Both are aparantly "against god".

  12. And I'm sorry but the other topic is really pissing me off. It's not a bloody gendercide. In China it's still illegal to kill off a girl JUST because it's a girl anyways. Stop comparing us to the bloody nazis


    Same here. I'm rather ticked as well. That's kinda why I made the abortion topic. So it can move there and we could discuss this matter here.


    I vote we just don't mess with Asia, period. xD


    Yes, but we already messed with a good portion of Asia. I guess it's too late to turn back. :P

  13. You guys already complain that there are too many asians in the world already...now you're complaining that there aren't enough? o.0


    I never said such a thing. I find those kind of statements rather racist, and I hate racism. I would like to find the person that said this.


    I'm not entirely sure if abortion is the best option simply because you are not ready. If you're not ready you shouldn't be doing the act that can create babies without using proper protection. You are responsible for your own actions.


    Yes, but in the event that the protection breaks and it wasn't intentional, then what?

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