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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. *Transforms into Alex Mercer from Prototype and uses the devestator attack to destroy all clones before more are made* :evil:


    Wait I noticed, that last note was mispelled and grammer challenged. And no one reported or anything. HAHA!!!!!!

  2. Happy New Year to all!


    Regardless, I don't know what you guys are talking about? What message? I don't see anything...


    I think some people drank too much champagne yesterday. :P


    I'm 13



    Oh hey Winter! =D -Uses Dog Whisperer to bash your head then Ian to knock you into a wall- Oh, i'm so sorry! :)



    And I got all of page 5, Bludoplh! :)



    What are you talking about? I'm usng Ians body as a weapon of mass destruction to kill the Staff members with!


    I didn't notice that before I posted. Crap!


    My name is Co, bash my head into the wall again and see what happens, please.


    *bashes Winter's head into wall so hard they flew out of building.*

  3. If they get Ian and the other Admin then TDN forums is toast...why did I make *Meep* about Meepits taking over Neopia? Rhetarical question...

    Edit:Yes. Yes I do. It's because of my *Meep* isn't it...


    I contacted Ian a while ago, I hope he is safe...cause if he's not, then TDN has fallen. *epic music plays as he dives into shelter*

  4. Something has happened!

    A neopets birthday gift bag has fallen from the sky! You should open it up and see what's inside!


    That is what I saw as I went to the snowager, which I got a Jetsam Plushie. So the stuff is:


    Spotted Neopets 7th Birthday Balloon

    Green Neopets 7th Birthday Hard Candy

    Colourful Neopets Party Pinwheel

    Purple Neopets 7th Birthday Tambourine


    If anyone wants this stuff let me know. I also got stuff in my shop so check that out.

  5. Did you possibly use caps and forgot you did?


    And if i'm right, that WAS the time when TDN had that hacker dude. Thank god he wasn't a CGer as well. :O


    Aw, man, that's too funny!


    And yeah, that was the time of the hacker, he ruined my account!!!


    As for caps, maybe, but now it's too late :(.


    Hey, under the avatar it would say something like newbie or neat person, how do you change the text like you did? I never figured it out.

  6. Welcome back :) also you couldn't log into your account? :O...


    No, I was told to change my password and afterward it wouldn't let me log in...


    CAV! -Flying tackle hug-


    I remember you! What have you been doing while you were ghone and why'd you ditch the ghost hissi avvie? :O


    I've been around. As for the hissi avvie, I can't find it :(, so for now I took a Randy Orton one, because it looks cool.

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