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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Why don't you just do another 'CAV the ___' again? Like CAV the Caroler, CAV the Celebrator, etc.


    I was taking those names into consideration as well.


    hmm... I may have to confuse all of you soon


    I got my anti-confusion suit on. Hit me.

  2. I need to find a Christmas name with CAV in it. My real name is Christopher, so I would say CHRISTopher, but I'm athiest, so....yeah.


    I'm running out of time.


    I need to make my name something like CAV and JB's. :P


    It can get hard at times to find something with CAV in it that makes sense. It took me 10 minutes to decide that Cryonic After the Void seemed logical enough to use without getting a raised eyebrow.

  3. I'm a rather dark person, if that hasn't already been guessed several times before. Dark colors, dark stories, and such. While I don't mind happy stories with happy endings, I hate them when they become overused. This bleak attitude is kinda what make me agree with Xandra. And I can very much relate to her: Someone that works so hard and is shunned by others, as they fail to notice their full potential. It's happened so many times before to me.

  4. I don't mind happy endings. But they are used wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too often. And TNT uses them all the time.


    I write and I always pull a sad or bittersweet ending because the world needs to remember that not everybody gets the perfectly happy ending that they want.

  5. I know I rarely pay attention to anything below someone's avatar, unless I'm looking for something to say when welcoming a newbie. :yes:


    I do pay attention to those mostly because I like keeping track of that kind of stuff. I know I'm a nerd. :P

  6. Maybe after the Faeries and Faerieland is restored, the Faeries will see how they had been viewed by some, and change a bit. Maybe we'll see some additional goodies from the Faeries after the plot is over.


    I would still be very angry with the staff. Not only do I not like Faerieland, but it would show that they used the happy ending for the billionth time.

  7. For me it's both. I tend to get bored, so a goal keeps me entertained.


    That's why so many people race to reach SM. They feel as though the more posts you have, the more respected you are. I believe in a little of that, but at the same time I'm aware that it's been proven wrong several times before.

  8. I'm a bit more comfortable here on TDNF though. :yes:


    Why wouldn't you be? You are standing here with 11k+ posts, which is the highest in TDN history, and, and, :crying_blow: I wish I had that many posts...

  9. Are you guys kidding me? This is something that America can't ignore. NK is dangerous. Why? Because they hate the U.S. and they have bombs. Nuclear bombs. And guess what? Countries tend to bomb other countries they hate.


    Believe it or not, NK is a threat to America. And so America has to keep a close eye on NK.


    Yes, keep a close eye. Not bump into NK's business and increase tentions between the two.


    And didn't you say before that they just want attention, and we all agreed with it?

  10. I tend to get wobbly tables as well. But I can't stuff any paper cause they take your backpack away. And I always feel bad if I mistakingly tilt the table and the other people at the table get annoyed.

  11. America shouldn't have gotten involved. Heck, there are several times where America has entered something they should've stayed out of. Russia is somewhat the same, but haven't done this as much as America.


    But I feel as though China did have to get invovled, because NK's attention grabbing was getting out of hand. And unlike America, when China got involved, things STOPPED.

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