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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. Essentially, the article argues that guns shouldn't be so readily available to anyone who wants to use one. The running part was supposed to be satirical, but basically, if guns were strictly enforced, a average robber wouldn't get their hands on a gun.


    Liking the BB gun idea though :P


    And he makes good points about it. And I know running was satirical; I just wanted to make fun of it.


    I was stalking Amazon once and found a BB gun for $50. And ammunition with 10000 BB pellets (I guess you call it that) for $10. You could buy scopes and such, but that's optional. Instead of paying thousands for a .45 pistol, you can get rather good defense for just $60, and it's completely legal.


    And if you want to give the robber a paint job while stopping him, paintball would be useful too.

  2. No. Nobody in my family is good with surprises. We end up giving ourselves crappy stuff. So me and my brother are constantly asked what we want for Christmas. So we just make the lists and give them to dad, where he passes them around to the rest of the family so they know what to get us.


    Even during birthdays people ask what I want instead of trying to surprise me, because nobody ever knows what to get me. They obviously know it's a video game, but they never know which one since I play a large array of video games. One moment I'm playing a shooter, the next moment I'm playing a puzzle game. I have variety.

  3. I'm trying to get my grandmother and god-sister over here so we can get our tree out.


    I'm finishing up my Christmas list, and I'm helping my brother with his. My penmanship is god-awful, which is why I learned to type at a very fast pace at a young age, so I can email my Christmas list.

  4. This man brings an interesting debate to the table.


    I feel as though the second amendment should be upheld, but there should be extensive training that way the person is sane, sober, and knows very well what they are doing when they are holding a gun in their hands.


    Getting a dog is nice and handy, but many apartment buildings (like mine) don't allow dogs. And in the event that those people need to defend themselves, they won't be able to because guns have been banned, and they can't have a guard dog.


    Knives are a great alternative, and would overall be a better weapon for self-defense. But what if the robber just happens to get a gun? A knife won't do you very good. And not to mention not many people right now are good runners, considering the obesity of this country. It once again won't do very good.


    I understand where this guy is coming from. And I am actually on the fence in this debate. Maybe my mind will be changed as the debate moves on.


    But I got an idea: How about we use BB guns for defense? They don't really kill anyone, and they should be able to hurt a robber enough to the point that he gives up and hands himself in. Not to mention BB guns aren't very expensive.

  5. The scarf looks disappointing. Done deal. But at the same time it's the best item in the Advent Calendar so far.


    They're still in the NC Mall. Try them on the pet you're considering them for, and then take a screenshot/screen print. Then you can post them.


    I'm aware that they are still in the mall. Hang on. I create a separate topic for the screenshots, since this isn't the place for them.

  6. 4.png

    They have GOT to be kidding with this. This looks utterly ridiculous. Who would even think that that looks nice?



    Stunning item ruined by laziness.


    That does look ridiculous. Try reporting to TNT, maybe they'll fix it.........eventually.


    Still nothing truely special.


    Those are the Ice Crystal Wings from the NC Mall.


    I've always wanted to get those wings, but I'm afraid if they'd look girly on my pets. Take a look at them and tell me if they would.

  7. You're wrong Cav....try 9 billion XD


    Last I checked there were 6 billion. When did the other 3 billion come in? :P


    It's interesting to see how our generation is going to shape politics. I know a lot of people that are pro-choice - a lot more than pro-life supporters. Same with marijuana and gay rights.


    It is interesting. But let me give you a quick fix on things:


    I'm pro-choice for abortion.

    I'm pro gay marriage.

    I have no opinion on marijuana.........yet.


    I don't think this point (about whether the baby will be president or a drug addict) is a valid argument for either side.


    It isn't. The entire idea contradicts itself and leads nowhere. But when someone brings up future presidents and that crap and use it as an excuse to be against abortion when the odds are far against the baby becoming president, you gotta give them the other side of the coin.


    Yeah, and I'm pro-pot too...Hmm. Wow. This discussion could easily branch out into a lot of others.


    Ok, let's see here:


    This abortion discussion came because people were discussing the abortion laws in China in the NK thread. So I made this.


    Now I gotta make a pot topic too? I don't mind, but I swear the debate forum will be close to bursting by the time we're done. :P

  8. Here are my complete thoughts on side accounts:


    Side accounts are completely pointless. It wouldn't kill TNT to allow 5 pets on your main account. I fail to see the point of making a side when you can't play games, do dailies, or ANYTHING that Neopets is really about. All you can do on a side account is sit and stare at your pets, and when all you want is 5 pets (like me), that means you created a whole new account just to look at ONE pet. I've asked TNT about this, and gave suggestions, and I have yet to recieve a PM back. I understand that they don't want to allow 5+ pets on one account, but it helps deal with people that complain about how side accounts are useless. I for one am one of those people.


    And that's what I have to say.


    It's not just about stopping people from doing the dailies. You aren't allowed to play games either.


    And that makes it even worse. Basically, you can't do crap on your side account, so you made an account for no reason. Aren't MOST websites against that kind of thing?

  9. This is a rather interesting topic. I only remember a few off the top of my head, so I'll most likely be here several times adding more.


    My favorite covers may be rather predictable of me.




















    More will be added later.

  10. I didn't realize originally, what a huge thing Pokemon still was. I always heard a lot about it when I was younger, then I didn't hear much after that. Now I know how big it still is. (And now that I'm playing it, I see why as well.)


    That's because people were talking about the anime, which lost it's charm after a few years. In the gaming world, Pokemon is one of the kings. It's one of the flagship games of the Gameboy and DS.

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