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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. I hate the Carbon Monoxide alarm too its so loud and I hope you dont have it in your house


    Well, if we are talking about it, then that means we both have the alarm.


    You have to have a carbon monoxide alarm. If you don't, you are risking your life. Carbon monoxide is odorless and can kill.

  2. Finally! Something interesting happened in this plot.


    If only you had the option to team with Xandra. I would love to crush the planet. :evil:


    Why? Because I hate Farieland, and it's about time that we get something other than the typical happy ending. We need better storytelling, and an ending like the destruction of Farieland would definately increase the novelty of the story.

  3. I hate the Carbon Monoxide alarm. It rang off once when there was nothing. Me and my brother tried to ignore it. Then it went off in one loud beeping noise that wouldn't stop. I had to rip the batteries out so it can shut up.

  4. No. Just stop now. Don't even suggest as such. She clearly didn't want to go around in circles anymore but opened further discussion to talk in PMs.


    This was supposed to be an enjoyable topic where (mostly) women could come and talk about "women-esque" things in a centralized placed. I don't think any of us had a problem with any of the men posting in here, but posting just to rustle feathers... stop now. Go far away if that's your plan. Or at least know the meaning of sexism before tossing it around.


    Hang on there just a sec. I never wanted gender wars, as they can never be won. But she said how she never wants to hear about guys having just as many problems as girls. Somebody could take it the wrong way, and think that she is saying that girls are better than guys because they have more challenges to overcome. Just like how someone could take my comments the wrong way.


    This topic is basically an HOP but with no guys, you are aware of that, right?


    And that last piece is basically calling me an idiot that doesn't know better. Oh, wait. I am! I'm a 14 year old idiot that doesn't know better. What was I thinking!?


    And for the record, I never said anything about guys having just as many problems as girls. Rather, take that up with the one who DID state it.

  5. I wasn't referring to Scientology. Thanks for assuming that.


    Back on topic, Canada celebrates thanksgiving before Halloween so that it's a bigger deal here and doesn't get swallowed whole by Christmas like Remembrance Day does.


    You're welcome. My thought still stands.


    Yeah, but the US is more greedy than Canada, so Thanksgiving here in the US becomes completely forgotten until people realise that Black Friday is the next day.


    "Are you ready for Black Friday, I'm going to camp outside of Target tonight."


    "Wait, tomorrow is Black Friday?"




    "Well that means today is Thanksgiving."


    "Oh. I was wondering why people were dancing around in this....Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade thing."


    "Well, happy Thanksgiving.


    "Same to you. Now about Black Friday...."


    Same conversation could be put for Rememberence Day, but without the Macy's parade part.

  6. *rolls eyes* I don't want to hear another word from a guy about how guys have the same amount of troubles as women. That's ludicrous. You have NO IDEA what it's like to be a woman. You want a detailed list of why females suffer more than males? PM me.


    And if you don't like what girls say about guys, remember you don't have to be here. Go to your Sports thread. :yes:


    By not wanting to hear another word about it, you're being sexist towards men. You wouldn't like it if we said "We don't care about your problems" now would you.


    I didn't say anything about not liking what girls say about guys...


    I love Green Day's older albums. "Dookie" changed my life.


    Green Day is awesome.


    That is all.

  7. I saw them too. I didn't know Mumble and the rest of the Happy Feet penguins were in NY. :P


    What about you Cav?


    We have turkey, chicken, pumpkin pie, biscuts, and some other things. I will spend my day playing games, hanging out with family, and watching the Jets game tonight, because I like football.

  8. but I think it's up to a point. Technically, by definition and the way I've been told by friends and others, being atheist means you can't use phrases with the word "god" or "hell" or all those "religious" words and I use them all the time which is why I think that being dubbed atheist is also like a religion since it has "rules"....lets just say I don't like rules :P


    And sure. I believe in evolution...but that doesn't mean I like to stick with it. Like come on, wouldn't it be SO COOL if we were like brought by the stork or if we were built like robots? XD


    I use those words all the time.


    Evolution is real, mostly because the evidence we have makes it proven fact.


    Back to Christmas. I'm watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade right now. Most of the music there is Christmas music. *facepalm*

  9. Yeah I was referring to her.


    Y'know fear is probably one of the main reasons why we can't have world peace?


    Oh. You said "guys" and you quoted me, so I thought you were talking to me as well.


    If we fear, we won't have world peace. But you have those big threatining countries (US, China, Russia) that aren't so bad, but people get scared of them. To get rid of fear, we have to get rid of the weapons, particularly the nuclear arms.


    I've always wondered though, what happens if you have twins? =?


    Now that the policy is lifted, nothing.

  10. Again, this argument can never be won nor could it ever end, so I'm going to try not to get too much involved in it. Because the whole argument itself infuriates me. Like when we were 5 and used to be all "ANYTHING YOU CAN DO I CAN DO BETTER. I CAN DO ANYTHING BETTER THAN YOU".


    True. But that's not the arguement here.


    Except that is not physical pain.


    You want physical pain? Try skateboarding, and trying to grind a rail, but then slipping off the board, and landing on the rail, hitting you know where. Or getting kicked there. Or getting shot there by a BB gun.


    That's one thing guys have to worry about. Getting hit there. To put it mildly, the wind get's knocked out of us, and you can't breathe. Sometimes, if you get hit hard enough, you can start to feel numb all over, or is that just me?


    I can't really say much more since this is a kids site.

  11. :laughingsmiley: I only date people taller than me. *whispers* Stereotype....



    Eh, I think it's fine if girls are short, because guys like girls shorter than them (generally), and if that's the case, the shorter you are, the more guys that (could potentially) like you :P


    I agree. I find it awkward to be around a girl my age that's taller than me. Of course, I never dated anyone, so that places it.


    I'd rather date someone my height or shorter. So yes, the stereotype is half true in my case.

  12. Not sure that that's necessarily true. Do you know that it's possible to die from pain? It can literally fry your brain :yes:


    I hit google. I remember it was explained once in class, but I forgot the name of the bone.


    Yes I am aware of that.

  13. Birth is only the SECOND most painful. ;)


    Second? Please dont say the first is death. :rolleyes_anim:


    I'm trying to remember. I thad something to do with a bone. However, taking a quick google search, I found this:


    The most Pain anyone can exp. is when you blow a disc out in your spine also known as a disk herniation. All the muscles in the area go into a full contraction with no way to get it to stop. it feels life several daggers all being stuck in your backside all at the same time. If you dont pass outfrom pain,then you have the problem of trying to figure out how to get your diaphram muscles to un -contract so you can take your first breath when possible.

  14. Trust me, guys worry about a lot of the same thing girls worry about. And it's so much easier to be a girl too. Really depends on how you look at it ;)


    Except for birth, which is the second most painful thing a human can ever experience.


    3 pairs of sneakers?! That's it?! Lets see, I have: 7 pairs of sneakers, 11 pairs of flipflops, 3 pairs of dress shoes, 6 pairs of high heels, 2 pairs of regular flats, and 4 others that dont fall into any category. I went a little overboard at DSW.


    You just fit the girl stereotype that all girls love buying several pairs shoes.


    Yes, only 3 pairs. White Nike Air, size 9 1/2. Black and Orange Adidas, size 9. And white and blue Champions, size 9. I also have a pair of New Balance, but they don't fit yet. Too big. And my dress shoes are size 10 1/2. Why? Because Sketchers makes small shoes.

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