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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Divya! I just got the Jackpot playing Dice-A-Roo! It was only 5688 NP, but I got the avatar! :D

  2. :D Good. I couldn't help myself when I saw it.

  3. Awww. I can't believe you ate them all without sharing more. Is there still some cake left?

  4. Well, that was fun. :) I hope you don't mind.

  5. They are perfect! Thank you :)

  6. Sounds great! I can't wait.

  7. You should! Oooo I love frozen grapes. I haven't had any in years.

  8. I kept them in the fridge and that made them even better. You should get a package.

  9. Yes, but they are incredible. I've tried the Mint Chocolate and the Almond. They're amazing. They're so sweet, one package of the Mint Chocolate ones lasted in my apartment for almost a month. I couldn't have more than 2 at a time.

  10. Me too! I personally think she's cutest in the commercial for the Premium M&Ms.

  11. The Blue M&M guy has always been my favorite. Years ago, when I had a Myspace, I actually made a layout of the Green one.

  12. Yep she did. She made me a bunch of M&M ones.

  13. I did end up finding it, so I sent in a PM.

  14. I checked and I don't have it on my work computer. I'll check my external HD for it.

  15. I love it! That's adorable. You know, I have an avatar she made me with that exact picture as well. I'll show it to you in a PM.

  16. That's where I got my M&M images. :D

  17. That would be very cool. You could find M&M images on the Official M&Ms website.

  18. I have no idea what image to use for my signature. That's why I decided to just get an avatar right now, and think about the rest.

  19. :D I'm eventually going to ask for a signature from her as well, to replace the picture of Aitvara.

  20. Thank you! It is gorgeous! :D I didn't make it. It was made by Stephiime on her graphic request post.

  21. I know! It's horrible. I really want it. I've been working hard on it.

  22. I have a notification for comments, because I don't regularly check my profile.

  23. my typing will be... interesting for 4 weeks due to a brace on each wrist. :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jumpingbeans


      *covers ears due to meowing cat*

    3. Spritzie


      Thank you guys. :) The shots I got have helped with the pain, but now it's just the braces making things difficult.

    4. jumpingbeans


      You're welcome.

  24. Dice-A-Roo is being horrible to me today. :( I've played 5 games so far. I've lost 4 of those on the first roll.

  25. I read on TDN's guide for Bilge Dice, than the winning streak avatar is one of the hardest and rarest. :| I will get it! Even if it takes me 5 more years.

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