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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I don't think we get NC. I got my trophy and everything, but no NC. Unless they give it out with the News today.

  2. I don't know, they look best on Aitvara, so probably her, while she's still Camo.

  3. Okay, those are amazing! I think I like those tons better than the Snowflake ones from last year. I must go get NC if I don't get any from the GMC.

  4. *Runs to the NC Mall* I will let you know what I think.

  5. Most stores here, have 4 colors: Light pink, dark blue, red and white. Though I've seen other colors available online. My GBA is light pink too.

  6. That's what I planned on getting. I want the light pink. :P I kind of wish I'd gone to KMart on Friday. They had the DS Lite for $89.

  7. Then again, there's still nearly a month until Christmas, so maybe they'll start adding more.

  8. You have a DS right? Which kind do you have? I'm trying to decide what kind to get.

  9. Still nothing new in the NC Holiday Shop. :(

  10. :O Divya, are you being sneaky?

  11. You can have a snow superpack, if I can have a Maractite Draik. That sounds like a fair trade.

  12. I wasn't impressed with what they have. I hope they add more. I want an awesome pair of winter wings.

  13. DIVYA!!!! The Holiday shop is open in the NC Mall.

  14. I have no idea right now. I have way to many things I'm planning on getting someday.

  15. Codestones are good any time though. It's time to start working on training Aitvara.

  16. Nothing amazing yet. A couple Codestones.

  17. I like it because it highers the chance for REs. It doesn't really mess with my computers.

  18. It's all clicking. Just like Pyramids. The page refreshes each time you click. No flash.

  19. I've had to do it in such small amounts of time, I have no idea how long it would technically take.

  20. I want the avatars. Plus, it's a different pace than everything else.

  21. I haven't yet. They say the avatar for the first NQ is about 1/2 through the game. I'm nowhere near there yet.

  22. It's tedious, but I'm enjoying it more and more.

  23. I feel left out. I want to play KQ too. After the plot and GMC is over, I'm going to go back to playing NeoQuest.

  24. They're at 13k right now. She's going to be waiting. :P Put it in a trade, and I'll buy it from you.

  25. I know. I used to love that. But now Kali (The Ruki) needs an Eo for training. :|

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