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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Our local grocery store has them, and it's not far from us. (And he's there a lot.)

  2. I'm going to be holding off on buying for awhile.

  3. I got an extra 150 free, since it was my 5th redeemed NC card.

  4. Yeah, I'm done. I'm not trying for anymore. I still have 1450 NC left.

  5. having no luck getting the Dark Valentine Sword. :(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Spritzie


      Did you try again? And still no luck. *shakes head* TNT must stop this. Maybe they'll release another one today that will have awesome stuff.

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Yeah, I tried again and of course I didnt get. So I spent 800 NC (ughh) and I didnt get it.

    4. Spritzie


      I'm debating still about trying again. I might see what comes in the next one. If something I like better is in that, I'll get that instead, and maybe trade for the sword later.

  6. I tried one more, and I didn't get it. :( I'm trying to decide whether to even attempt trading for one.

  7. I have a bunch of times for each color written down. I haven't figured out my Magma Pool time yet, but I haven't tried because I don't want any Magma pets.

  8. I do that daily. Every day I'm at work at least, so 4 days a week.

  9. I used TDN for about 6 months before I joined. I joined during the Moltara Worms thing. I wanted to join in on that.

  10. Exactly! I would have never thought of it otherwise.

  11. Yeah, I was pretty clueless for the first.... 7 years. I just did my own thing. I ignored plots and such. I didn't even know there were help sites. All my avatars, I'd gotten on accident. The minute my husband signed up, he googled help sites.

  12. I'm anti-winter. Is -10 degrees with 36 mph winds really necessary?

    1. Fever


      I know, right? We've got like two to three feet coming, and we've already gotten like inches in the past few hours today... Even the teachers are saying there's most likely going to be a snow day tomorrow xP

    2. Spritzie


      We've gotten hardly any snow. It's just been super cold and really windy. With the wind chill, it's around -27.

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Ugh, thats awful. I have had 15 inches of snow and 1/2 inch of ice. I feel bad for central US because they got a HUGE snowstorm!

  13. True. I did take quite a few breaks from Neo.

  14. I know! I wonder how they do it. And a lot of them have rather young accounts. It makes me feel like a failure since I've had my account for nearly 9 years.

  15. There we go. I couldn't figure out why you weren't showing up on my friends list. I had to add you again. But you're there now. :D

  16. 44 isn't bad. :P That would be awesome. I would love to have accounts like that.

  17. Divya, his new name is Billy Bob Joe Jr.

  18. I'm sorry Divya. :P But it was a lot of pink. I had to break it up with... cat. *nods* Wait... why am I reply to Divya on your profile...?

  19. You're right. It was 20 years. See? All these games have frazzled my brain. YAY! That means I'll only be 44 when I've reached all my goals.

  20. Haha ugh, don't remind me I'll be spending the next 25 years playing games on Neopets to reach all my goals. But it means I don't have to buy a Grarrl MP, or a Maraquan PB. And I think the name is even better than my Koi's.

  21. I think I would feel sorry for them.

  22. Hmmm. That could prove interesting. I'm fairly sure the other Billy Bob Joe is male though.

  23. Yes, yes there is. Don't you feel sorry for him?

  24. Have you done anything else with your Aisha?

  25. I got a Maraquan Grarrl for the husband. :D I need to find a different petpet, but I got him a Chomper for now.

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