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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Ohhhh! That's what you meant. I ended up getting it. I had NC and I wanted to try it out since it looked so pretty. It's glitching though, so I'll wait until it's about to start morphing to put it on Aitvara.

  2. Death Note? I couldn't get into it. But my favorite anime is Bleach. Though that's the one I've watched the most of. I've seen nearly all of it.

  3. I was so excited when I saw it. I want the wings and the new BG. I don't see any backgrounds for 700. Only a super pack for 700.

  4. Ooo Divya! There's now a Winter shop in the NC Mall. They're adding stuff to it now.

  5. Yay! Sorry about all the notifications.

  6. I suppose I'll be glad I look young later in life, but it's frustrating when people think I'm 16-18, occasionally 19.

  7. You don't look 21. I'd say you look 18-ish. And your picture is very pretty.

  8. Divya! Vacations over. You are needed here. Plus, you need to check your PMs.

  9. Okay, your new sig/avatar set is awesome. Especially the avatar. :D

  10. trying for game avatars. Just got Gadsgadsgame.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anisha


      The only game I am good at is Kass Basher

    3. -Ryan


      Same here. xD

      Oh, and fashion fever. xD

    4. Spritzie


      I'm horrible with Kass Basher. My record got reset, so I can't get past the second level for some reason now.

  11. I've been there. I really hope that helps. A lot of the time, sleeping is the only thing that can help me.

  12. They run in my family. You could also try Aleve. My dad gets ones so bad he can't function, and the only thing that works for him is Aleve and then sleeping.

  13. I just take Tylenol. That's the only thing that works for me. (I've had them since 3rd grade, and never found a medication that worked for them.)

  14. I hope your migraines get better. :( I get them quite often too.

  15. Livvy and I have been sending NMs, but that's about it for me.

  16. Thank you :) Not at all! I appreciated it. I was thinking about posting for one since I didn't have one yet.

  17. Would you mind if I added you as a friend on here?

  18. I enjoy NMs, even after I got the Neomail Addict avatar.

  19. It's not bad. I send one saying it's ready, and receive one once they're returning the item. So it doesn't take much time.

  20. Ohhhh! I'm so slow today. Yes, you're right. I got in my second day of ALP Neomails. :D I send out a lot in a day.

  21. No I didn't. When I got mine, I found a lender on the TP. I think that was months ago. I need the 4 expensive ones from ALP. But I haven't had a chance yet.

  22. wishing Aitvara would make up her mind. First Blurry Vision, then NeoMonia, now Sneezles.

  23. I bought a Icy Snowflake for avatar lending, for 140k, so that dipped into my funds a bit.

  24. I'm at about 450k right now.

  25. I know. I know. I put in about 50k yesterday. 70k the day before.

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