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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I don't have any to sell. Except I do have a Codestone. I suppose I should sell it. Though it might be too late since the BD stuff is almost done.

  2. Yep. I'll probably store up Codestones and Dubloons for awhile, then start training when I have a decent amount. That way it doesn't cost much.

  3. Exactly! Where as with Aitvara, I don't mind if it takes 4 hours. I'm not going to be in a hurry.

  4. I was only doing the Mystery Island one, because it's quick. Each one, only took 2 hours.

  5. So over-all, for 7 levels, it cost me 7k.

  6. I got her out of training she was already in for level 9. Then the Codestone for level 10, I already had. For level 11, she got a boost and ended up level 12 instead. Then I paid 3k for level 13. Then I paid 4k for level 14, but got a boost and it became 15.

  7. She worked very hard. So as a reward, she's getting some training. She started at level 8 yesterday morning. She's now level 15.

  8. Of the 3 easiest, I capped one, got over 1/2 on the next, and 1/3 on the next. The rest, was nothing significant.

  9. I've done well, I just hope not getting the achievement or capping won't affect things too much.

  10. I think I'll get a fairly good prize tier. Other than this BD step, I've gotten every achievement, and I've capped all the challengers.

  11. She did do really well. It wasn't quite enough to beat the last 3, but it wasn't from lack of trying.

  12. I gave up. No matter what, even with Ylana's Blaster, a Prickly Potion, Purple Sticky Hand, Snowglobe Staff, etc, I couldn't beat a Commander.

  13. What's a GC? Golden Compass? I have one of those.

  14. I managed to beat a Zealot. Now I've got to get the other 3. o_O

  15. is struggling in the BD. Shadows shouldn't be this strong. o_O

    1. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean


    2. Spritzie


      There's 4 I can't beat. The one's with 100 and up difficulty.

    3. -Ryan


      Glad I have an excuse not to even try to battle. I'venever been more happy about my computer not loading a website. :p

  16. I did see the new wings today. I'm not too sure what I think of them yet. They looked silly on Aitvara.

  17. I know! Only a few more days, right?

  18. You are brilliant! I can't wait now. That will look gorgeous! They better come out with some awesome stuff.

  19. If they do a winter/snow superpack and it's awesome, I'll probably end up getting it for Aitvara. Anything would look gorgeous on her. (And I'm really looking forward to the winter backgrounds.)

  20. The only GMC thing I did, was the Faerie Bubbles Tiara. (And the Slorg Bopper)

    I'm so excited for the winter stuff. I want an amazing pair of wings.

  21. Are you going to wait for the winter stuff to spend more NC?

    Do you think you'll use any for the Game Master Challenge?

  22. Yep something like that. :P Then there's the ticketing programs, inventories, backups... lots of fun stuff.

  23. I use Chrome at work. With all the programs work requires, even Firefox lags it. But I have Firefox here on my home laptop.

  24. I like simple. I don't need a bunch of fancy options. That's why I like Chrome so much. My husband wants to be able to do tons of stuff and likes all the options. That's why he won't use anything but Firefox.

  25. I don't remember the website. (He looks at 3-4 of those types of sites.) I'll hunt it down and send you a link when I find it.

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