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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. just got the new avatar! Now at 249.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spritzie


      Liz had to buy 22. o_O

    3. livvy


      I had like... five or six, maybe. Wow, 22?

    4. Spritzie


      I was pretty lucky to get it after only 2.

  2. Haha thank you. We've discovered we're pretty much Brain Twins. :P

  3. *whistles* Like I said... nothing to see here.

  4. Sees what? There's nothing to see here...

  5. We'll just have to foil his attempts.

  6. Yep. I guess he will, won't he?

  7. Or did I just add to it...

  8. I can fix that issue you're having... *whistles*

  9. spent too much NP on backgrounds today. o_O

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Spritzie


      I've sold all mine for 10-50k, depending on which one it was.

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Nice! Now I praying for another bag. :D

    4. Spritzie


      Have you sold the ones you currently have? I've been getting nothing but apple items the past couple days.

  10. Paul was well, awesome, and let me borrow his Techo again, so I did well. Though my Shoyru just beat a Minion after I'd capped them. :D

  11. When I looked at his lookup, I don't remember seeing a petpet for him. Do you have any petpets in mind? Aitvara is Camo, so she has a Unpainted (White) Ukali. When she gets painted Faerie, I'll be painting the Ukali Faerie.

  12. Livvy.... there's scary things in the Battledome. o_O

  13. :O I failed to see it was your birthday last week. I hope you had fun. Happy birthday... a little late. :)

  14. Time went by quick yesterday. I wish I could have been around more. And I hope that's a good thing. :P

  15. I think yesterday, you were over 9 hours. I've been logging on and off today, getting my sides tidied up, otherwise I'd be heading towards 11 hours.

  16. livvy_granger

    Online for:

    8 hrs | 46 mins

  17. You know, it's my turn to laugh, because recently, you've been online long-term.

  18. I've never seen 3000 NC cards. Maybe if you buy the NC online, you can buy up to that much.

  19. I got 2 1000 NC cards. I think the biggest might be 2500. But I'm not sure.

  20. I did the same thing. I made a list, then slowing cut things out until I could fit it into the NC I had.

  21. That's awesome! Do you have a little shopping list written up already? (Of NC items.)

  22. Good! I wasn't sure if there were Safeways there. I know there weren't in Florida. I can't wait until you get them.

  23. I got my cards at a local grocery store, Safeway. They supposedly sell them at Walmart and Target.

  24. I have 1 Scarab Ring, 1 Golden Compass, 1 Down Size!, 1 Illusens Earth Potion, and the rest are Mud Mixture.

  25. Right now, I have the Brutes at over 200 HP.

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